Recharging Seachem Purigen


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2010
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The time has come to recharge my purigen, and I'm not sure if I've used the correct type of bleach. I'm no bleach expert and all I could find was "thick" bleach which I assumed would be okay, but a quick google search has worried me a little, with people saying not to use thick bleach but without stating a reason. Have I messed up or is it okay to use thick bleach?
as long as the bleach isn't perfumed, it will be fine as long as you dechlor the Purigen for a few hours after the bleach.
The time has come to recharge my purigen, and I'm not sure if I've used the correct type of bleach. I'm no bleach expert and all I could find was "thick" bleach which I assumed would be okay, but a quick google search has worried me a little, with people saying not to use thick bleach but without stating a reason. Have I messed up or is it okay to use thick bleach?

This is copied from another post. I've followed the instructions many times and had no problems. Oh and also used good old tesco value bleach as well...

To recharge I ignore the instructions which would have you use bleach then buy buffers.

I put the bag in a bowl of 1:1 bleach and water for 24 hours. Then in a bowl of water with plenty of dechlor (10x the amount of normal into tank water) and leave for another 24 hours Then instead of using Ph buffers I leave it in a bowl of white vinegar for 48 hours.

Then it gets put into a sealed container with a little bit of water to maintain humidity. If it gets dry the balls crack and are rendered useless. I use 2 bags. That way 1 comes out of the filter to be recharged and stored and the one already recharged goes back into the filter.

A lot of hassle? In a tank where growth is good and the filter works well anyway it should be 2-3 months between recharges at minimum. Ecah filter clean just rinse the dirt out and it should still be mainly white. Its only when the whole lot is dirty you need to recharge.
but just bleaching recharges it, it doesn't need vinegar and the rest. Just bleach it, dechlor it and Roberts your fathers brother. It's all recharged and ready to go.
thanks both of you for the speedy response and putting my mind at rest :)
but just bleaching recharges it, it doesn't need vinegar and the rest. Just bleach it, dechlor it and Roberts your fathers brother. It's all recharged and ready to go.

I suggest using vinegar and not rushing that process. The manufacturer sells it as a PH buffer for a reason.
but Seachem don't even suggest you use a buffer. Out of interest why do you use a buffer?

seachems advice

Regeneration: Soak in a 1:1 bleach:water solution for 24 hours in a non-metalic container in a well ventilated area and away from children. Rinse well, then soak for 8 hours with a solution containing 2 tablespoons of ChlorGuard™, Prime®, or equivalent dechlorinator per cup of water. Rinse well. Original color and full activity should now be restored and Purigen® is ready for reuse. Caution: some slime coat products may permanently foul Purigen® and render regeneration difficult. Do not reuse if odor of chlorine is detectable. In case of doubt, soak beads in small quantity of water and test for residual chlorine with a chlorine test kit.

obviously don't rush, but 24 hours in bleach and then few hours in dechlor is fine.
devils advocate here...

My instructions mention a buffer....
I looked for it when I bought the purigen but the store didnt stock it...
I've seen this product mentioned a few times..........but just what is it?

Dont you know??

"Purigen® is a premium synthetic adsorbent that is unlike any other filtration product. It is not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water at a rate and capacity that exceeds all others by over 500%. Purigen® controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic waste that would otherwise release these harmful compounds"


seriously though... its a filter media thats ment to give crystal clear water ;)
yep - I managed to wriggle my bio balls about a bit and get it in one of the externals.
sorry for the old thread, i actually used the search function !!

ive just got an ex1200, and purigen was mentioned to me as i have trouble with lots of debris particles in my tank. the blurb ive read sounds good, but is it worth it ? and also, how much do i need ? is it filter dependant or tank size dependant, which is between 130-140L.

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