I know it has been a
long time since I posted... I apologize for the absence. "Life" got in the way of my project (started a new job, among other things) but I'm happy to report that I eventually got it finished. After putting the filter together as above, everything sat untouched until the start of this year. Then I got my act together! I added sand to the tank (3" of pool filter sand from Ace hardware), filled it (no leaks!) and cycled it (fishless cycling using ammonia), which took about a month. I then added a piece of mazanita driftwood. It was too big to boil it, so I actually baked it in the oven at 250 degrees for 30 min to kill anything that might be lurking. I attached it to some slate to keep it from floating, and put it in.
Then I got a bunch of plants. I first tried my LFS but wan't impressed so I did not get much, and just bought the rest online. I added horwort, cabomba, s. repens, some monte carlo, and two plants from the LFS I cannot identify (and the LFS did not know either

). I have an irrational aversion to snails, so I wanted to pre-treat, but was reluctant to use bleach or any harsh chemical. Instead I learned about "reverse respiration". I don't want to post links to external websites here (not sure what the etiquette is?) but google it -- it works incredibly well, and all it requires is tonic water (if it is permissible I can post links here, just let me know)! It gets rid of snmails, snail eggs,, parasites, even algae. They plants were treated and went into the tank about a week after the driftwood.
I started adding fertilizers (using Estimative Index dosing) and have been getting some very nice growth and zero algae, sao I'm very happy with EI. If anyone is interested I can post my "recipe". I don't use CO2, so I use Seachem Excel instead.
I kept dosing for about a month. I added ammonia every third day to maintain my cycle. Then I added fish! My stocking plan
will eventually be:
- 10 rummynose tetras
- 10 ember tetras
- 10 endler livebrearers
- 6 venezuelan pygmy cories
- 2 otos
In case you are wondering, I am originally frokm Venezuela and all these fish are from rivers back home

The endlers, in particuar, only exist in 2 remote lagoons/lakes at home and nowhere else in the world. So all endlers you can buy, originally came from one of those two lagoons.
I started with the rummys, embers and otos, which I added to the tank this past friday. The endlers will follow in about a month (I will get them in a couple of weeks, and quarantine for a month). The cories will follow at some point later.
So, after a VERY long journey full of procrastination, I finally got the tank going! I now will also try to remain more active here! Picutres will follow in a moment