Fish Gatherer
I predict great success in this endeavor. You are a smart cookie, as Judge Judy would say.

Nice hearing from you! Enjoy the guests.
I‘ve heard well of Eheim filters & your modifications are brilliant. I will get the same filter when the need arises. The local shop that ordered the 125 G for me recommended Marineland Pro450. I saw bad online reviews for this filter & went with a pair of Fluval AC 110’s per Colin’s suggestion & my own research. Now I have a Plan B should the Fluvals prove inadequate, but I’m fairy confident they won’t for my setup.
Still no word on when tank will arrive. But the question of how much weight it could handle (when stocked with heavy rocks)came up in another thread here, so I called the tank manufacturer & had a very nice chat with a very nice man in their technical department. He said no problems should I decide to stock an entire tank of huge rocks!![]()
the point of the foam under the tank is to even out irregularities for tanks without trims (flat glass-bottomed), the aqueon tanks are raised on a trim, so you don't need anything under themWell I just replied to to you with some additional interesting info from the tech at Aqueon, but it seems to have vanished when the dogs momentarily distracted me. My apologies if it resurfaces & I have repeated myself.
I‘ve been told here at TFF an underlayment under the tank is essential, most recently to distribute weight from large rocks. But for another reason in the past. We flipped over a 30 G high unused tank & saw the glass bottom is ~1/3 “ above the rails. Matt felt that if an underlayment was needed, it should be cut to fit between the 4 rails. The Aqueon tank tech said no underlayment whatsoever is necessaryView attachment 150054.
Some seem to think the underlayment (often 4 x 8 ft foam insulation panels) levels the tank if the stand/floor are not flat. With the extreme exceptions,I wonder if this is accurate. Nonetheless, I took a level to the table to be used as a stand & it‘s good.
I wanted a canister filter to keep as much equipment as possible out of the tank and hidden. I chose Eheim because someone recommended them, but I can't remember who! I'm very happy with it.Nice hearing from you! Enjoy the guests.
I‘ve heard well of Eheim filters & your modifications are brilliant. I will get the same filter when the need arises. The local shop that ordered the 125 G for me recommended Marineland Pro450. I saw bad online reviews for this filter & went with a pair of Fluval AC 110’s per Colin’s suggestion & my own research. Now I have a Plan B should the Fluvals prove inadequate, but I’m fairy confident they won’t for my setup.
Still no word on when tank will arrive. But the question of how much weight it could handle (when stocked with heavy rocks)came up in another thread here, so I called the tank manufacturer & had a very nice chat with a very nice man in their technical department. He said no problems should I decide to stock an entire tank of huge rocks!![]()
Yes I do have only one basket and have been thinking about removing it completely, precisely to allow for more media volume.I'm also looking for denitrifying bacteria in my filters, but to my capacities it seems to be impossible to realize. As I have read long time ago for both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria to do their work they should have a very slow water circulation through the filter media, a big sump that flows very slowly would be possibly right but not the little canister filter from Eheim with their high water circulation, bacteria would do the work all the time anyway, and are adaptable, I think you are on the right path with the filter media you want to built, I could only suggest that if you have only a media basket in the filter and not several separated (like I, with 3 baskets in a 5L Eheim ecco300 which makes 750l/h) you would have much more room for media by removing the basket out of the filter at all. I do so with these Eheims.
How are they hidden? Please forgive me if you‘ve already specified & I lost track. The only concealed filters I have are in a sump tank.The two new Fluval AC 110s are the bigget ugliest filters I’ve ever seen! I hope to position them left & right on the tanks sides to minimize this ungodly sight. If that fails, I will dress them in lacy French pantaloons.I wanted a canister filter to keep as much equipment as possible out of the tank and hidden. I chose Eheim because someone recommended them, but I can't remember who! I'm very happy with it.