Really Hoping It's Not Gonna Happen To Me!

and we have 0 danio's.... new home for oscar or pol then :(

That's too bad :sad: A terrible decision to have to make.

i'm completely gutted

gonna have to get blind drunk tonight :rolleyes:

oh that sux alice!

been racking my brains today trying to figure out how to make polly or the o a holiday home here whilst u got the new place sorted.

never should of put the damn goldfish in my 55g cos it would of been perfect. dont wanna get rid of them now tho cos ill have nightmares of them in a bowl getting harrased by a 4 year old.

shame its not closer to summer and they could go in the pond. :rolleyes:

atleast with this place youll be able to find a home your happy with i guess.
Alice, I just wanted to say that on my thread on T's forum, when I asked if I could add more parrots, I was thinking of Polly - even if only temporary til you could take her back - but I've been told I shouldn't add to a breeding pair as it's too risky.

I'm so sorry - wish I could have helped :(
How long have your oscar and parrot been tankmates? It seem's very strange to me that he would suddenly turn on her. Does he chase polly around the tank or only when polly approaches him? You've got me worried that one day my oscar might turn on my firemouth or convict. :unsure:
How long have your oscar and parrot been tankmates? It seem's very strange to me that he would suddenly turn on her. Does he chase polly around the tank or only when polly approaches him? You've got me worried that one day my oscar might turn on my firemouth or convict. :unsure:

thats definately something you should be ready for m8.

all cichlids seem to have the ablility to turn into a bully overnight if they want.

its normally when they reach maturity but its definately not unheard of for a fish to jus change like these guys have.
How long have your oscar and parrot been tankmates? It seem's very strange to me that he would suddenly turn on her. Does he chase polly around the tank or only when polly approaches him? You've got me worried that one day my oscar might turn on my firemouth or convict. :unsure:

'Theve been tank mates for over 2 years, The problem is oscar has become sexualy mature. so hes defending his territory awaiting the arrival of a female, as far as he`s concerned a female could swim by any mo.
Some times the oscars don`t bother sometimes they do unfortunatel ours did.

would adding the oscar last help?
Only if the other fish you have in there will out grow the oscar, you think when you have a foot long fish that can open its mouth 2 inches wide, and will eat anything it can, you need large or spikey tank mates.

the other fish in the tank are a plec and a syno, both of whom are too spiney to be botherd by the oscar
If I knew you were getting drunk, I'd have come to Leeds tomorrow too ;)

I'm sorry about Polly and O, I really hoped they'd sort out their differences. Message from me to them "Oi you two, pack it in, or you're grounded!". Sorry, getting in the habit of saying that today (with my kids).

I've just got two parrots today, and am already in love with them, and giving up NoName the oscar last year was really hard - so just want to send some ((((hugs)))). :*

Alice, I just wanted to say that on my thread on T's forum, when I asked if I could add more parrots, I was thinking of Polly - even if only temporary til you could take her back - but I've been told I shouldn't add to a breeding pair as it's too risky.

I'm so sorry - wish I could have helped :(

Thanks Lisa, no worries though, I wouldn't want her (or actually him as I have recently learnt how to sex them!!) causing any bother or getting grief again

and we have 0 danio's.... new home for oscar or pol then :(

That's too bad :sad: A terrible decision to have to make.

i'm completely gutted

gonna have to get blind drunk tonight :rolleyes:

oh that sux alice!

been racking my brains today trying to figure out how to make polly or the o a holiday home here whilst u got the new place sorted.

never should of put the damn goldfish in my 55g cos it would of been perfect. dont wanna get rid of them now tho cos ill have nightmares of them in a bowl getting harrased by a 4 year old.

shame its not closer to summer and they could go in the pond. :rolleyes:

atleast with this place youll be able to find a home your happy with i guess.

aye I hope so, had a few people offering to help but nothing suitable yet. I am being a bit picky but I'd hate to see her go somewhere and it not be right. If things get too bad we've a spare 4 foot 30g tank in the cellar, it's not big enough for her long term but it'd be alright for a couple of weeks until we find somewhere suitable.
I was just looking at your pics and was thinking maybe your oscar is becoming aggressive because it wants the whole tank to itself..

There isn't really anything in the tank that distinguishes territories, which might be why the oscar is trying to rule the tank.

Maybe if you were to put a big piece of driftood or 2 on each side of the tank each fish could have their own territory.

this is what i thought about re-arranging things, if I give them a chance to restablish they're territories then maybe it'll level off the playing field so to speak......

or maybe as Oscar is getting territorial if I re-arrange things it'll just take away what Polly already has and he won't let her have a chance to claim any new ones!?!?!

If this has already been addressed I apologize as I've only read the first page...

Rearranging the decorations might help for a day or two but that's about all. It could also lead to more aggression. The Oscar, trying to establish new territory, might become even more mean in doing so.

An 80g is too small imo for adding another fish with mass. The minimum I'd keep an Oscar in is a 75g by itself and that's only if I had to. A larger aquarium would be the only way to curtail the aggressive behaviour I'm afraid. You Oscar is ready to look for a mate and doesn't want anything else around except a female Oscar.
sorry to hear about this miss w.


I was just looking at your pics and was thinking maybe your oscar is becoming aggressive because it wants the whole tank to itself..

There isn't really anything in the tank that distinguishes territories, which might be why the oscar is trying to rule the tank.

Maybe if you were to put a big piece of driftood or 2 on each side of the tank each fish could have their own territory.

this is what i thought about re-arranging things, if I give them a chance to restablish they're territories then maybe it'll level off the playing field so to speak......

or maybe as Oscar is getting territorial if I re-arrange things it'll just take away what Polly already has and he won't let her have a chance to claim any new ones!?!?!

If this has already been addressed I apologize as I've only read the first page...

Rearranging the decorations might help for a day or two but that's about all. It could also lead to more aggression. The Oscar, trying to establish new territory, might become even more mean in doing so.

An 80g is too small imo for adding another fish with mass. The minimum I'd keep an Oscar in is a 75g by itself and that's only if I had to. A larger aquarium would be the only way to curtail the aggressive behaviour I'm afraid. You Oscar is ready to look for a mate and doesn't want anything else around except a female Oscar.

no worries, we're not re-arranging the tank.

I also realised a few days ago I mis-calculated the size of the tank, it's a 92us gallon tank. Although i accept the shape of the tank doesn't give as much swimming room as a conventional 90us g tank it's not quite as bad as an 80g.

Sadly we've looked through all the options and thought about re-arranging things and there's simply not enough room for a bigger tank in our house :no:
well i'm pleased to say there appears to have been a ceasefire the last couple of days. I've seen no agression and they've been hanging around together again.

Lovers tiff??? :rolleyes:

So I'm thinking that maybe just when Oscars in the mood ;) he doesn't want Polly around. So if I just make sure there are hiding places for Polly that Oscar can't get too and accept that every so often he'll get in a strop for a couple of weeks. They've not done any damage to each other so if the situation remains as it is now then I think they'll be OK.

Is that likely or do you reckon he's just chilling for a few days and it'll start back up again soon?
well i'm pleased to say there appears to have been a ceasefire the last couple of days. I've seen no agression and they've been hanging around together again.

Lovers tiff??? :rolleyes:

So I'm thinking that maybe just when Oscars in the mood ;) he doesn't want Polly around. So if I just make sure there are hiding places for Polly that Oscar can't get too and accept that every so often he'll get in a strop for a couple of weeks. They've not done any damage to each other so if the situation remains as it is now then I think they'll be OK.

Is that likely or do you reckon he's just chilling for a few days and it'll start back up again soon?

That's good news, perhaps oscar got bored chasing polly when he realised she (he?) wasn't going to go away. Hope it works out without an eviction!

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