Really Bad Day


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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so friday i go pick up 2 choc gouramis and put them in with my choc gourami i have had for about 6 first they weren't sure what to make of each other but after a while everything seemed fine.then last night right before bed i noticed the big one picking on the little ones.she was going at them pretty good but i didn't think it was that big of a deal.i really didn't think she could hurt them.but this morning i woke to the new ones dead and the older one's colors looking funny.i had to go to work so i couldn't really do anything but get the dead ones out.i was baffled about the dead ones but i thought the other one would be i came home at lunch and she was dead too.i think it will be awhile before i try them again.from really happy to total sadness in 6 days.
thanks for the support but i feel like it is.

Chocolate Gouramis are notoriously hard to keep, So sensitive most people have no sucess with keeping them unless you meet their specific needs. I think they are one of the hardest to keep?
the big one always seemed content,she would explore the whole tank and she even survived a move 3 months ago.i loved to watch her at feeding time,she was so adorable.her favorite food was daphnia.i guess she was my centerpiece fish because she was the first one i checked on every day and the one i was proudest to show my friends.
There is no way you could have known the outcome of adding more Chocs.
It's not your fault so don't beat yourself up about it :)
i'll get another one but i'm going to wait a while.i just wish i could figure out what first thought was the little ones brought something or that i recently treated my older one with formilin for an eye fungus.her eye was completely cleared up when she died so i'm stumped.
i'll get another one but i'm going to wait a while.i just wish i could figure out what first thought was the little ones brought something or that i recently treated my older one with formilin for an eye fungus.her eye was completely cleared up when she died so i'm stumped.

Ive heard these guys can drop like flys for no apprenty reason....

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