Rare & serious (human) disease linked to fish tank

If you have cuts or grazes on hands, fingers and arms, its common sense not to place those limbs into the fish loo

Gloves are available...some go right to the armpit (and beyond if you have short arms). There is no shortage of blue/black nitrile gloves (despite what the media tells you about PPE shortages)

Why have humans completely lost all common sense lately?
Why is it fashionable to sue everyone else when you stuff up?

It annoys me intensely when people refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions/stupidity
If you have cuts or grazes on hands, fingers and arms, its common sense not to place those limbs into the fish loo

Gloves are available...some go right to the armpit (and beyond if you have short arms). There is no shortage of blue/black nitrile gloves (despite what the media tells you about PPE shortages)

Why have humans completely lost all common sense lately?
Why is it fashionable to sue everyone else when you stuff up?

It annoys me intensely when people refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions/stupidity
I actually ordered those up to the armpit gloves because my hands were getting chapped from the water. Use a long dishwasher one now, of at all. i find the nitrile gloves uncomfortable, but have boxes or them.

It‘s absurdly easy to sue these days. Ad after ad on TV soliciting clients. I have a neighbor I‘ve never met who is always on TV with his personal injury ads. Slimeball. At the end he yells out: Get compensated!
Without wanting to create another Covid response, (there's already an adequate Covid thread, elsewhere in the Forum), one of the not-surprising things that struck me early on, was the detail that people had to be told how to properly wash their hands!
Grown, supposedly mature adults, needing to be told.
was the detail that people had to be told how to properly wash their hands!
Hows that saying go, something like

"Think of someone that would be considered of average intelligence. Now think about the fact that half the population is not as smart as that."

The last couple of years have really driven this home for me...
Some are maybe less bothered about deadly diseases an would rather actually have them and help cull the population of dumb people and politicians :devil:

Just a Thought o_O
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I'm ordering up gloves before I touch a thing in the aquarium... I always have a cut or something, so I want to be cautious... When I had my betta, I got a weird finger infection... It went away in a few days but still, it shows that we all need to be cautious when sticking our naked hands where they dont need to be
The concern i have with a thread like this is that we see rare incidents related to water everywhere. Recently a 6 year old die when playing in a city fountain (intended for this purpose) due to brain eating amoeba; there have been high school and college kids die swimming in rivers due to bacteria infection; and of course there are all those wonderful deaths at the beach due to tidal pull, sharks, jelly fish stings, and what have you. Collectively if you wanted to be safe you should never get near untreated water 'cept that nearly all of these cases are extremely rare. (btw the above examples involve people who did not have open cuts; but other er opening such as ears, noses, ...)

So using gloves isn't a bad thing but chances are relatively low that you will get an infection working on your aquarium; conversely if you really want to be safe avoid those rivers, oceans, fountains, and swimming pools.
Oh and don't forget all those homes with hot tubs and aircon....Legionaires Disease

Way more deadly than dealing with fish poo...but it doesn't stop people getting hot tubs and aircon.

Just be sensible...if you have wounded hands/arms...cover up...its not difficult really....or is it?
And then there's that very, very strong argument that suggests a lack of exposure to bugs and bacteria when we are little, actually compromises our immune systems. ;)
Without wanting to create another Covid response, (there's already an adequate Covid thread, elsewhere in the Forum), one of the not-surprising things that struck me early on, was the detail that people had to be told how to properly wash their hands!
Grown, supposedly mature adults, needing to be told.
I have seen staff at supermarkets coughing and sneezing on items at the cash register and on the shelves. I have also seen customers do it and nobody bothers to wash/ disinfect their hands afterwards. This has been going on for long before covid but still happens today during a world wide pandemic.

I still see checkout staff licking their fingers to open bags and they have a little ceramic dish with a damp sponge on the counter specifically for that. This is an issue for the staff member and customers because saliva isn't the cleanest substance and who knows what customer has been keeping their money in their underpants.

When covid started we had adverts and shows/ documentaries on television showing us how to wash up properly and how to clean our homes. It was basic common sense but plenty of people were talking about it afterwards because it was all new to them.

As for fish diseases affecting people, it happens every now and then but isn't that common. The people that usually have issues are those with a weakened immune system and who have open wounds on their skin. The aquarium water gets into/ onto the wounds and bacteria, protozoa or other microscopic organisms can get into the wound. If you don't clean the wounds straight after working in the tank, then they can become infected and you get sick or die. Either wear gloves to avoid potentially contaminated water getting onto your skin and into sores, or avoid working in aquariums when you have open wounds. And always wash up with warm soapy water after working in aquariums. Simple basic hygiene.
One thing I would add to this conversation.

If you have a marine tank with liverock then always wear gloves. There are a bunch of things that are toxic enough to do you damage. It is honestly very rare that you will encounter one but it can happen. I remember a guy with a reef tank years back (may have been here or on another forum) who squished a Nudibranch in his tank and very quickly after had to be rushed to hospital.

The more likely thing you will run into though and the main reason for gloves is bristleworms. It wont kill you, but they can bloody hurt for quite some time. I never used to take it very seriously until I got tagged by one when rescaping and my fingers swelled up to double their size for several days.
And then there's that very, very strong argument that suggests a lack of exposure to bugs and bacteria when we are little, actually compromises our immune systems. ;)
An extension of that argument is that is why autoimmune diseases are so prevalent now is that our immune system isn’t challenged enough by infections so it starts attacking our own body….e.g. asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, ulcerative colitis, lupus, Chrohn’s disease, etc.
Do a youtube search for "George Carlin Germs"
An extension of that argument is that is why autoimmune diseases are so prevalent now is that our immune system isn’t challenged enough by infections so it starts attacking our own body….e.g. asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, ulcerative colitis, lupus, Chrohn’s disease, etc.
Do a search on youtube : :George Carlin Germs". He explains.

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