Ranger's Tank Journal

How come your skimmer is small?? Mine is huge and its such an unsightly thing to look at :-( Also whats that pipe thats coming out from the out take?
How come your skimmer is small?? Mine is huge and its such an unsightly thing to look at :-( Also whats that pipe thats coming out from the out take?
You turned down the skimmer I have. :p You have a remora now right? The white pipe coming out of the top? that is where I capped off the t-valve. The piping coming out inside the tank is the bubble trap.

For when I go out of town for 12 days I'm thinking about taking a precaution. I'm thinking about lowering the salinity in my tank before I leave in case my friend forgets to do waterchanges/additions or something goes funny. Because If water just evaporates out of the tank the salinity should slowly rise to normal right?
Thats a fantastic idea Ranger, one I'll be doing myself when I go on vacation in 2 weeks. I trust my housemate, but not that much :lol:
No I still have the overgrown Coralife which I put under my bed until it decides to work with me. Can you tell me what I need to get to do some mods on it?
All you need is some 1in. pvc pipe, a 1in. pvc tvalve and a 1in. pvc cap a drill and a... uh mag5 foam prefilter. Can't recall who makes it, but I got mine at a LFS and its meant for some kind of pond plumbing I believe. So if your LFS doesn't have it check some pond maintanence(sp) shops.

If I recall, your problems were due to the amount of water flow you were getting. (I recall you saying it spilled all over your floor). If you want to give the superskimmer another shot LMK and I'll try to guide you through the process.
you have a real nice tank :good: hope mine looks half as good :)

:blush: Wow, thanks. I plan on adding more LR to kindof make it into a "mountain" so it peaks in the middle. My GF gave me $50 giftcard to my LFS, so I plan on getting it with that! Thanks again for the compliments.:flex:
Hmm... I decided to drop the golden neon goby in favor of the sixline wrasse. I already have a cleaner symbiont (the cleaner shrimp). I can't decide what im more excited about... Going to Grenada for 12 days or coming back from the trip and putting fish in my tank. :lol:

So is the stocking looking better with the removal of the Neon Goby?

OOhh! forgot to mention i got my lighting today! its the 2x 24" T5's with 2x 24" moonlight thingies(its a blue color light). Which have separate switches and stuff. Exciting! Now I just need to get some timers... I think im going to need a few... 1 for each type of light? and then 1 for the fan? I dunno, I'll figure it out... What are the timers called? I can't find any using my lame search keywords.

EDIT: Was reading up on my lighting manual, found out that the 4 24" lights are all T5's i think... 2 are white and 2 are blue. It has 2 tiny "lunar lights" that are liky... TINY, kindof like an indicator light in your car. I'm assuming they are there just for nighttime purposes and are always on? Any input?
The lunar lights are LEDs and are for night viewing. They can be left on 24/7. You can buy timers from any home depot or lowes. Just ask them for light timers and they'll show you where to go :). Make sure you either get 3 prong timers, or get a 2-3 prong adapter as most fixtures are 3 prong ;)
The lunar lights are LEDs and are for night viewing. They can be left on 24/7. You can buy timers from any home depot or lowes. Just ask them for light timers and they'll show you where to go :). Make sure you either get 3 prong timers, or get a 2-3 prong adapter as most fixtures are 3 prong ;)

Awesome, thanks! I'll post some pictures soon, the lights make the tank look great.
The lunar lights are LEDs and are for night viewing. They can be left on 24/7. You can buy timers from any home depot or lowes. Just ask them for light timers and they'll show you where to go :). Make sure you either get 3 prong timers, or get a 2-3 prong adapter as most fixtures are 3 prong ;)

Awesome, thanks! I'll post some pictures soon, the lights make the tank look great.

I have moonlights, and we have the main lights go off about an hour before we go to bed, all sorts of things come out and we can still see them with the led's. Really cool. Be sure to post pics!
Went to my LFS today, and picked up some more LR with the gift card my GF got me. Got about 14.5 more pounds, but LFS employee knocked it down to 10. Also gave my zebra hermits to my friend and bought 5 scarlet hermits and a turbo snail.


Theres a wide view of the tank, you can see my new light on top. I had to take the T-valve off of the bubbletrap and just use a elbow connector, which is working fine.


Closer view of the tank. You can see the turbo snail at the top left.

Had a little accident today, lol. When I was topping off my tank, my skimmer went a little crazy (as it always does with new water) so I went to empty it and as soon as a take the collection cup off bubbles start gurgling out the skimmer. DOH! I forgot to turn it off, lol. :blush: :lol:

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