Random Fact Index

:lol: How many fish out of the thousands of fry born in a single spawn do you think get to live to full size, let alone live for years, even decades in the wild? Probably about 1 in a thousand, maybe not even that many, aquarium fish have longer lifespans than their wild counterparts with many of the common species living for ten years or more, some larger fish can live for over 20 years.

How many aquarium fish are eaten by other fish, birds, aligators, otters, snakes and humans? Not very many, most people strive to keep fish predators away from their tanks.

What happens when a parasite attaches itself to a wild fish? Theres no one pouring medications into the Amazon so the fish gets infested and dies.

How many tanks dry out for 4 months of the year leaving the fish to take refuge in a muddy puddle with no food until the rains come again, if they are lucky enough to find a muddy puddle that is?

Aquarium fish have a far easier lifestyle than a wild fish.
So are we saying that human intervention is far, far superior to mother nature then?

A dangerous road to venture down, no? -_-
Fact #49: In order to regulate their position in the water, loaches pass gas. :D I read that somewhere...

Edit: Typed the wrong number fact!
As I read that, I turned and looked at my aquarium... I have provided my fish with a lovely warm home. With no predators, a wonderfull climate, plenty of places to hide, and plenty of companions...

Given the intelligence of your average fish, they are not going to know any better. I like to think I have given them a good life... For what life is to a fish, anyway.

shorter life span, restricted space, unnaturel food and often no mate or offspring, surely the reason for life itself.

Do you feel the same way about pet cats and dogs? Could they survive in the wild? No, because they have been domesticated. Just like we have domesticated fish...
So are we saying that human intervention is far, far superior to mother nature then?

A dangerous road to venture down, no? -_-

No, but nature is harsh and unforgiving.

People in third world countries live as close to a wild life as humans can, infant mortality is high, the average life span is almost half what a Western European or American can expect to live, food and water is short in supply and illness is rife. They dont have machinary to do their work for them, they dont have drinking water on tap and if they want to eat they have to go out and find food all while avoiding becoming food themselves.
These people are living as nature intended and every day is a struggle for them. There is no way anyone can say they have a better life than us who live in civilised countries with sewer systems, clean drinking water pumped into our homes, medicines and health care available to all and more food than we can ever eat sold in every way imaginable.

Would any of us choose to go and live with these people? No, but you can bet your life if they had the chance to come to England or America they would be on that plane in the blink of an eye.
So why is it we think that wild fish are better off than their pampered cared for captive counterparts?
Ahh! My random fact index sullied again!

Fact #50: Fish, like all animals, were originally meant to be in the wild.

However, fish are fine off in tanks, except when they are greatly over stocked or very poorly kept.

CFC, if you are so sure that your fish have such a better life in tanks, then why do you care about what animal activists say about the issue?

Fact# this is a general talk thread and not a tropical chit chat one. :p
Fact #53: Tarpon, although looking somewhat like a large barb, are actually the ancestor of eels.

(Don't quote me on that; I think I read it somewhere, but I am probably wrong about it. So it ain't really a fact is it! :drool: )

FACT #52
: In the Carribean more people are killed by falling cocanuts then sharks!

lol guess the sharks dont get to sit under the trees much

Fact#54 the blue ram and the bolivian ram are not even from the same genus!!! or so i am told
Fact #55: When looking at the scientific species name of fish, names ending with "i" denote that the discoverer was male, and those ending "ae" denote female.

(Apologies if it's been said, I didn't read every single page :p)
Fact: 56: (in accordance to #52) More people get hurt yearly by toilets than sharks.

I saw this one on discovery! God i love shark week.....

also, WOW you guys are getting nuts! hahahaha! I think were all just beginning to fighting for the sake of fighting. honestly, if this topic were anything else we'd probably all agree on all the information posted , adding our 2 cents and not tearing people down! hahaha!

o well no offence intended... i just think this is kinda funny how were all so serious about fish keeping and fish facts, we should all migrate our infor to other sites that are HORRIBLE for fish keeping, and i've seen lots.

I think were all pretty good at what we do on here, so lets not make this a competition or anything! hahahah! o well, on the other hand, keep it up! were half way to the goal (100 facts)

Fact #57: I received a saltwater fish list today from my local pet store. It includes Black-tip Reef sharks and Blue-Ringed Octopi :crazy:

Fact #58: Many Wrasses and Parrotfish spin cuccoons in which to spend the night.

Fact #59: Triggerfish find a crevice at dusk, then wedge themselves into it and lock their dorsal and anal spines.

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