Random Fact Index

Obviously we got too rowdy because we got censored. I just wish people would be nicer to topic starters and their supporters. I am not saying that I'm innocent because we all know that I'm not. But, I try to be nice to people and support their topics...you can see that in this thread I was the first to reply with some "facts" but I got hammered for it.
Fact 43 The dimples on a golfball are there to help it fly further, not for any other reason..... :D
this is incorrect , the dimples on the ball are there to stabalise the ball, make it go stright!!!!!!!! the distence traveled is determined by ball comopsition the makeup of the club and player power and skill. yes if the ball goes strigth it may well get closer to the pin, this does not mean the ball traveled any further, just in a stright line
this info is all over the net. and though it is difficult to find a golfer with "joined up" neurons, they will tell you the same thing.

boboboy fact#5 koi carp were originally kept in japanese homes to do the washing up!!!
Fact 43 The dimples on a golfball are there to help it fly further, not for any other reason..... :D

The dimples on a golf ball reduce the drag it experiences as it travels through the air. This does increase the length of the shot. I was unaware of it also helping to straighten the path. I learned something new.
Fact #44: I just got my name changed :D

Fact #45: Birds are often considered the most successful vertebrates, as they have conquered land, sea and air.

Fact #46: An extremly rare species of bird is contained in a zoo. They used to have the only two known specimens on Earth, and incredibly, they were a pair. But sadly, the female died. :sad: Poor male!
Fact 43 The dimples on a golfball are there to help it fly further, not for any other reason..... :D

The dimples on a golf ball reduce the drag it experiences as it travels through the air. This does increase the length of the shot. I was unaware of it also helping to straighten the path. I learned something new.
i must correct my post, the dimples do indeed increase filght, the dimple configuration on "some" modern balls is used to increase stability, adding even more length, admittedly in combination with a larger diamiter. mouth first brain later Im afraid! :sad:
the koi bit is right lol
Fact #47: WHO GIVES?! :lol:

Fact #48: Humboat squid are incredibly aggressive and may attack divers. But the way fishermen catch them could be worse than that (stabbing a harpoon through the mouth with dozens of backward facing pins to trap the animal).
Fact #48: Humboat squid are incredibly aggressive and may attack divers. But the way fishermen catch them could be worse than that (stabbing a harpoon through the mouth with dozens of backward facing pins to trap the animal).

ummm, its not a harpoon, and they dont stab it through the mouth. i dont think anybody has enough time or fast enough to chase squid around and try to stab it. they use a squid jig. its just a whole bunch of backward facing spikes. the squid grabs onto it with its tentacles, then it gets stuck
Fact #48: Humboat squid are incredibly aggressive and may attack divers. But the way fishermen catch them could be worse than that (stabbing a harpoon through the mouth with dozens of backward facing pins to trap the animal).

ummm, its not a harpoon, and they dont stab it through the mouth. i dont think anybody has enough time or fast enough to chase squid around and try to stab it. they use a squid jig. its just a whole bunch of backward facing spikes. the squid grabs onto it with its tentacles, then it gets stuck

Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll. :lol:

It also gets stuck in the mouth.
well, im just saying its not as bad as you think it is. i go fishing all the time, i have every kind of lure you can think of, i even got home-made lures. i just dont want everybody to think fishing is a horrible sport, its one of 2 sports that can actually help you out if you are lost on some island.
I'm beggining to think that some members arent fishkeepers at all but animal rights activists pretending to be so they can spread doom and gloom on the forums ;)
well, im just saying its not as bad as you think it is. i go fishing all the time, i have every kind of lure you can think of, i even got home-made lures. i just dont want everybody to think fishing is a horrible sport, its one of 2 sports that can actually help you out if you are lost on some island.

hunting a tiger would help you out if you were lost in india! so shooting tigers is ok???
I'm beggining to think that some members arent fishkeepers at all but animal rights activists pretending to be so they can spread doom and gloom on the forums ;)

I agree. Cut out all this poor, poor fish talk. The vast majority of fishkeepers care very well for their fish and give them much better homes than they would likely find in the wild.
I'm beggining to think that some members arent fishkeepers at all but animal rights activists pretending to be so they can spread doom and gloom on the forums ;)

I agree. Cut out all this poor, poor fish talk. The vast majority of fishkeepers care very well for their fish and give them much better homes than they would likely find in the wild.

you think????????????
shorter life span, restricted space, unnaturel food and often no mate or offspring, surely the reason for life itself.

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