a real long bow... no wheels & cams...
Yep, no wheely bows for me. I love my wooden bows. I don't even use fiberglass anymore, except on my fishing bow. If I want to hunt high tech, I just grab the .270.a real long bow... no wheels & cams...
Having a bow that is too heavy is a huge bummer. My first one was like that, I could barely get it back to full draw and couldn't hit a thing with it.i tried a wooden long bow once when I was like 11 and I could not draw the string back at all
I could a bit when I sat on my bum, feet in the air, but the curve of the bow on my feet and used both arms to pull down on the string
But it was an ultimate failure
I also couldn’t aim to save my life even on the easy child bows….
Having a bow that is too heavy is a huge bummer. My first one was like that, I could barely get it back to full draw and couldn't hit a thing with it.
Once you get one that's suited to your strength, aiming is kind of like throwing a ball or shooting hoops--it isn't complicated, just takes a lot of practice. I'm no expert but I'm better than I used to be. I used to shoot with this old guy...He was an absolute artist with a longbow. I saw him once shoot at a tennis ball dangling on a string from a tree branch. Hit it nine times out of twelve shots at 25 yards, and of course after the first hit it was swinging. I was too young and dumb to ask him for lessons.But if I had, he probably would have told me to just hit the ball. He was that natural and effortless with it.
I just got into traditional archery a little over a year ago, and I love it! I shoot with a recurve bow, but I do purely target practice. I don't think I could ever actually hunt anything, lol.Having a bow that is too heavy is a huge bummer. My first one was like that, I could barely get it back to full draw and couldn't hit a thing with it.
Once you get one that's suited to your strength, aiming is kind of like throwing a ball or shooting hoops--it isn't complicated, just takes a lot of practice. I'm no expert but I'm better than I used to be. I used to shoot with this old guy...He was an absolute artist with a longbow. I saw him once shoot at a tennis ball dangling on a string from a tree branch. Hit it nine times out of twelve shots at 25 yards, and of course after the first hit it was swinging. I was too young and dumb to ask him for lessons.But if I had, he probably would have told me to just hit the ball. He was that natural and effortless with it.
3d archery is really fun. We don't have a course here, so we just wander around in the desert shooting goatsbeards and stumps and pine cones. That's almost as much fun.I just got into traditional archery a little over a year ago, and I love it! I shoot with a recurve bow, but I do purely target practice. I don't think I could ever actually hunt anything, lol.
There's a rod and gun club near me that has a 3D archery course, where you hike through the woods and shoot at life-sized targets from different distances and angles. I did it a few times over the summer and it's a lot of fun! It's definitely helped me improve my aiming too.
Yall. Giving fish oil to my dogs has to be one of the greatest decisions we’ve ever made.
We started doing it about 2 years ago, when we brought home our rescue. Her coat at the time was so coarse and dull, so we elected to try fish oil.
We also gave it to our first dog at the time, a miniature husky, bc why not. Healthy coats for everyone.
And holy moly what a difference it has made. Two years past and we still give it to both dogs + our new third one every morning.
Their coats are so wonderfully soft and shinny now. We didn’t even know it was possible for the mini husky’s coat to be more radiant but here we are.
And we the third puppy too, her fur has also had a total shine over. It’s almost ridiculous.