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There are a few on here that I think are worthy of the title.
Byron, AbbeysDad, Essjay, Wills, EmeraldKingz are some that can have it

Getting slow in your old age old man? ;) :hey:
You just watch it you young whipper snapper. I can catch anything if I can remember to. Now what are we talking about?

@Colin_T is a true fish GURU .. Maybe we should give you the title "Assistant Fish GURU"
I don't want him as an assistant. He asks too many questions and I can't remember what we are talking about half the time :)
PK is our future generation of fish gurus who will still be on our site in 50 years - long after our forum's old timers have moved on to fish sites in the sky
It doesn't matter how many messages I post, I won't be a "fish guru" as my status shows as moderator rather than anything in the title ladder. If I were to retire as a moderator my title would then be 'retired moderator' :lol:

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