Random Discussion

There is military draft in Thailand where every teen have to go through and I know for the fact that they have it in US too.

I’m super scared of this at the moment because of what my friend have to went through and I’m caring about my pets.

Does anyone here have any idea to avoid my Military draft?
There is military draft in Thailand where every teen have to go through and I know for the fact that they have it in US too.

I’m super scared of this at the moment because of what my friend have to went through and I’m caring about my pets.

Does anyone here have any idea to avoid my Military draft?
Have you looked on local government websites to see it there are any reasons/criteria listed?
Nope! They said every male have to go through, kinda sad tbh.
It’s not something I’ve ever had to consider for myself (female and waaayyyy to old) or for my sons as it doesn’t happen in the UK.

My dad and his brother both chose to join the army and have always tried to encourage the boys in the family to do the same. Good discipline, trying, travel, leadership...try not to listen to others “experiences” it’s probably a bit exaggerated... Like when you’re pregnant with your first baby and no-one has delivered in less than 40 hours!!
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There is military draft in Thailand where every teen have to go through and I know for the fact that they have it in US too.

I’m super scared of this at the moment because of what my friend have to went through and I’m caring about my pets.

Does anyone here have any idea to avoid my Military draft?
The USA doesn’t draft anymore, at least not right now.

I’m afraid when/if World War III breaks out, the US may have to start drafting again.

There’s no real way to avoid a draft, without breaking the law and possibly getting in serious trouble.
When exactly did they stop? I've read that it;s still going.

Still seaching for an idea, keep it coming
It stopped on July 1st, 1973 - history class is good for some thing...

To this day, the US military is all volunteer. I don’t know about your country though. I don’t see why they would be drafting, if there’s not a present war.
I don’t see why they would be drafting, if there’s not a present war.
It just dumb thing government made up so teenager can serve their "owner" like a slave, quite disgusting.

The things that always happens is that you will got killed by your boss.
It just dumb thing government made up so teenager can serve their "owner" like a slave, quite disgusting.

The things that always happens is that you will got killed by your boss.
Are you actually going to be drafted into Thailand's military? Or is that only during time of war?

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