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If you can't remember it, you're no longer responsible for it. Silver linings.

Story of my life.

I need one of y'all to come help me scape my tanks. I just don't "have it" when it comes to aquascaping. I've never had one look good. Helllllp!!!
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I don’t have a green thumb :alien:

All I can do is adding indian almond leaves to make a blackwater.

I'm generally ok at keeping plants alive, especially terrestrial plants, but when it comes to arranging my hardscape and plants into an aesthetically pleasing design, I cannot do it. I've read every tutorial known to man and no amount of slicing and dicing results in an attractive scape.

Blackwater is my weakness.
I am always bummed about my lack of aquascaping skills when I see so many beautiful tanks on here and elsewhere, but I came across a subreddit tonight that focuses on aquarium trainwrecks. Suddenly I do not feel so bad about my ugly tanks. At least mine are otherwise healthy and have never seen clown vomit gravel. It's actually quite entertaining.

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