Random Cuttings And Trimmings

1 lot of hair grass (and photo!) added, quantity is about 1 standard pot sized.
A. barteri var. nana 'Petite', ~= 3 at £2.50
Java fern (cuttings 2-3cm rhizome + 2-4 leaves), 15 at £0.45 (X2)
A. heterophylla, ~= 2 at £2.50
A. lanceolata ~= 2 at £2.50
The first post is up to date at all times! What you see there, is what I have :)

I can usually also find small quantities of Vallis, Crypts, most cuttings, Java moss and a few other plants *somewhere* too. Cuttings and small Vallis are normally 15p, rosette plants (swords, Crypts) and large Vallis are about 50-65p, Anubuas and grasses etc. are about £2.50. I usually do make small discounts if people want more then a few plants.


7*2.50 + 2*0.45 + 2.50 = 20.90, make that £19.00 for 7 Anubias and two Java ferns
A. barteri var. nana 'Petite', ~= 3 at £2.50 (x3 plants)
Java fern (cuttings 2-3cm rhizome + 2-4 leaves), 15 at £0.45 Is that 15 stems?
A. heterophylla, ~= 2 at £2.50 (x2 plants)
A. lanceolata ~= 2 at £2.50 (x2 plants)

What would the total for that be? :nod: :X
That is 15 lots Java fern, each plant consisting of 2-3cm of rhizome + 2-4 leaves.

7*2.50 + 15*0.45 + 2.50 = 26.75, make that £25.00 for 7 Anubias and 15 Java ferns
whoops i think i got it wrong,
when you write barteri var. nana 'Petite', ~= 3 at £2.50 What does the 3 mean?

Im very Confused :S
Could I take the 'hair grass' and 3 java ferns please?

Advice on what to do with them welcome too! :D

PM me details, I can do Bank Transfer/paypal/cheque

The twisted vallis I got aren't doing well... don't think there is enough light in my tank for them :(
I don't recommend the hair grass for you, it will probably go the same way as the Vallis. torta :( But the Java fern will do well as will Java moss (I can give you 100g for £5.50, it is a bit pricey!).. also the Anubias nana would be nice, but you already have *an Anubias* so maybe pass on that.. I could give you a selection of 10 different plants I think are easy to grow for £1.50 if you would like? :) Can you just remind me how tall your tank is (top of substrate to water level)?
lovely plants recieved today thanks very much! thats me broke again :p o well!
have you sent mine yet? im off work for a week now wanna get plantin lol
Hi Kitty_Kat,

Sorry been a bit all over the place the past few days! I added you to msn to try and have a chat but yes, would be great to get a 'selection' from you and see what works! Let me know payment details etc and I'll send some money across!

Those Vallis bless them are looking even worse now, think I might remove them at the weekend and cut my losses, shame though, the fish like playing around in them! :)




Height from top of the substrate to the water level is around 25-26cm !

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