Random Cuttings And Trimmings

i have 3 30" tubes in my 85gallon tank
does that help i do say 50% water change weekly

i want hardy plants that grow tall to cover the back end of the tank where the filter pipes are


You probably want the two big Vallises behind the bogwood (outlet side), a lotus centre of the inlet side, and LOTS of Anubias barteri morphs on the bogwood with a few A. lanceolata and Java moss. I would personally leave the foreground alone for the moment and wait till those settle in. Let the lotus grow to the top and cover 1/4-1/3 of the surface + underwater leaves.

For the future, maybe some crypts on the two sides facing outwards.
Vallisneria americana and V. sp. rubra 'serpenta' are both large and tall: they will grow the full height of the tank.

p.s. I could probably spare a lotus too and some Java moss :rolleyes:
ok we have a deal i think
never heard of this lotus ?

do you accept paypal? if so pm me all the details

Vallisneria americana and V. sp. rubra 'serpenta' are both large and tall: they will grow the full height of the tank.

p.s. I could probably spare a lotus too and some Java moss :rolleyes:
PM will be sent in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. ;)
Vallis removed due to popularity: everyone who has posted above about it, PM me. Java fern added.
Just a quick post to say I had some swords & grass from Kat during the week they are very nice and were sent out quickly with good packaging

Crap picture of some of the plants I got (I am no good at taking aquarium pics!)but will give you an idea!



Thank you Simon :)

A few more Java ferns and a single A. barteri var. nana added.
Very interested though have they been treated with any copper snail killer as they will be going into an invert tank.

Just saw you were asking about xmas moss in another thread, I have loads if you would be up for a swap for some anubias.

Very interested though have they been treated with any copper snail killer as they will be going into an invert tank.
No, the plants are not treated with anything at all.

Just saw you were asking about xmas moss in another thread, I have loads if you would be up for a swap for some anubias.
Already found some on another forum, sorry! Maybe in a little while I will look for some more.. will keep you in mind :)

Lovely healthy plants arrived yesterday Kat, thanks.
Excellent, glad to hear. :)

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