Ram With Eye Problem -- Pop Eye?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2003
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Hi guys, I need a few opinions on this, I have a blue ram been in the tank maybe 4 months has developed a massive swelling on or just behind its eye socket.

Ive seen pop eye before and this looks completelty different I'm wondering if it could be some sort of internal bacteria it carried with it from the importer\supplier.

This is the second time this ram has had this problem and previously lost an eye because of it (and it lived on to become part of a breeding pair!!).

tank perameters : 180l
ph 7.0\7.2
ammonia nil
NitrITE nil
NitrATE 30\40ppm
50% water change fortnightly will tank temp de-chlorinated water
Temp 28\29C dropping a couple of degrees overnight (3x T5s produce a lot of heat!)

tank is well planted with plenty of places to hide\rest off.

tankmates: cardinals, corys, danios, african single line tetras and a couple of catfish.

Im loathe to start throwing meds in without a good idea of whats causing it.....

any suggestions???
Fluid build up is closely related to dropsy, can you issolate him, as you are going to need a bacterial med, it is a swelling and not a tumour.

I would read this especially the gas bubble desease part.
Cheers had a good read of that.

the fish is healthy in terms of its eating and is in breeding colour again.

the surface of the eye ball and socket looks fine the swelling is pushing the eye out.

Do you think its brought some kind of bacteria in with it then??

I can isolate and treat thats no problem, any suggestions on the treatment, I used to use melafix for a lot of things....

If he's had it before i would use an antibiotic, don't know your location.
ooops need to get profile sorted im in the UK, northumberland.


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