Cory With Growth Over Eye?

Yes I'd had considered that today :/ I have some clove oil and if you're thinking the same I think I'll go that route. 
No there's no redness at all. But now you said it I have seen flicking can't believe I didn't mention it 
I think it was Monday that I saw at least one of them really frantically flicking off the sand. I saw one flicking off the glass as well but it's hard to tell if it's one or multiple fish. 
It's the same with columnaris once it starts to rot the mouth and face away it's best to put the fish
out of it.s misery. As antibiotics can't evens save the fish once rotting starts. Sorry I had to do it in the past
it's not nice.
Did the flicking start after adding a medication?
I think it was between the ESHA and the Interpet, but I'm honestly not 100% sure. There has definitely not been any flicking today/tonight. The QT tank is right next to me and I've been watching them all night. 
Medication can make fish rub for a while.
Columnaris has many disguises. It sounds like you have a severe case ..
There a lot of articles on the net to take a look at. Get you a few now.
Also does the thick covering on the gills look fluffy velvet texture, or  slime?
Columnaris (a.k.a. Mouth Fungus)





An infected fish will have off-white to gray cotton-like patches on the head, fins, gills, body and particularly the mouth. In time, these areas will develop into open sores. Gill swelling may occur, gill filaments may stick together and excessive mucus may develop in the gill area. Rapid breathing can be seen. Fins may deteriorate to the point of leaving the fin rays bare. Muscles may be inflamed and capillaries may rupture. Fish, particularly livebearers, may exhibit "shimmying". Infection may be acute (killing an infected fish within hours), or chronic (lingering for several days before eventually killing the fish). As with most diseases, not all symptoms need be present.




The bacterium Flexibacter columnaris.




Ensure that your water conditions (e.g., Ammonia, Nitrite, pH, Nitrate levels, and water temp.) are within their proper ranges. If not, perform a water change and/or treat the water accordingly. Recommended medications include: Furanace, Fungus Eliminator, Fungus Cure, Furacyn, Furan-2, Triple Sulfa, E.M. Tablets, Tetracycline, or Potassium Permanganate. Medicated foods are also recommended. Columnaris can be highly infectious and may quickly kill all aquarium inhabitants; therefore, early treatment is essential. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium they inhabit should be treated.
Fish Disease Net
Thanks, WILDER. I'll order the JBL stuff and finish the Myxazin in the meantime.
I went ahead and added the second and last treatment of interpet internal bac treatment to my main tank, just to be safe (I remembered to double the dose this time) although everyone is looking fine in there.
Do you know if I can use an API ammonia test while the tank is dosed with Myxazin? The water is slightly blue so may affect the result colour but also I'm wondering if the meds will affect the test...I just want to be sure I've moved enough media into my little external I have on this tank. 
The hospital tank:
Bless them. Any improvement with the corys?
I would just do the ammonia test. It could  give a false result. But not to sure to be honest.
If you do have to preform a water change just add the correct amount of medication back to
water removed.
Test results were thankfully spot on with no ammonia or nitrate visible. 
The original sickly cory is gone now, died yesterday - I never got up the nerve to do it myself. I dunno why as I've had to do it before 

The second cory which is the only other one who is very obviously ill externally is looking the same I think. No worse but is still very active and eating. There are three others though that are looking quite bad. Two of them are only showing tatty fins as physical symptoms and the other one looks totally fine. The problem with them is they are virtually not moving. The other corys bang into them and they don't even flinch. They just allow themselves to be pushed around. It's strange, I saw one of them kind of moving and it's like it's too heavy? Does that make sense at all? I fed bloodworm today and all were happy to eat apart from these three. 
There are 5 remaining corys which are looking great, eating well and doing a lot of glass surfing however I did spot one of them do some flicking today.
Quick question, am I OK to start increasing the temperature in the main tank again? I added the final dose of Interpet internal bacteria in there yesterday and these fish haven't shown any symptoms this whole time.
Sorry for you loss.

\Yes you can turn the temp back up in main tank if everything looks fine.
Are they acting like they have no energy to move?
Yes I think that's the problem. At first I thought it may be a buoyancy problem but after observing them I think it is weakness.
Now there in isolation just need to find a better medication.
Members have used the ektol in the past by JBL and had good results.
Myxazin fine on finrot but I don't think it will do much for your corys.

More information on the JBL medication.

Article Description:


JBL Ektol bac Plus 250 is a medication for aquarium fish to treat bacterial infections caused by bacteria of the strains, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Columnaris and others. Open ulcers, punctiform bleeding, bloodshot places where the fins are attached, on the gill covers and at the anus, boil-like ulcers, protruding gill covers with whitish-yellow coloured gills along with markedly accelerated breathing, bulging eyes and abdominal dropsy are frequent symptoms of these kinds of infections. However, JBL Ektol bac Plus 250 also helps reliably in cases where the fish exhibit signs of onset of disease by their behaviour (clamped fins, rubbing against objects), although no precise diagnosis can be made yet.
Application and Dosage of JBL Ektol bac Plus 250:
Day 1: Add 10 ml of Ektol bac Plus 250 K1 (Component 1) to 100 l
Day 2: Add 5 ml of Ektol bac Plus 250 K2 (Component 2) to 100 l
Day 3: Add 5 ml of Ektol bac Plus 250 K2 (Component 2) to 100 l
Day 4: Change 50 % of the water. After that, add 10 ml (Component 1) to 100 l
Day 5: Add 5 ml of Ektol bac Plus 250 K2 (Component 2) to 100 l
Day 6: Add 5 ml of Ektol bac Plus 250 K2 (Component 2) to 100 l
A 50% water change should be done immediately prior to the follow-up dose. Only 50% of the dose indicated may be used with soft water under 8° d carbonate hardness.
Cheers :) I ordered the JBL product yesterday so fingers crossed it arrives soon!
That's good news.
I hope it arrives soon so you can try and save the rest of the corys.
I've just noticed that the estimated arrival date of the JBL product is 22nd April - 12 March - I guess it's being shipped from abroad :/ Oh well, all of the other options were the same situation so it's not worse than ordering the Kanaplex or Furan-2 - we'll just have to live in hope! The three I was talking about yesterday are the same and the one with the dodgy eye/gill plate is still behaving like a healthy fish.
An interesting thing I've noticed is that all of my larger cories are still looking healthy and the smaller ones are ill. I bought them all at the same time so it seems that some have not been thriving all along 
The first 3 panda corys I bought all thrived.
A while after bought 3 more and not one of the new batch survived. But they were smaller
than my older ones.
How are the corys doing?

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