Cory With Growth Over Eye?

Thanks snazy, I'll proceed with caution for sure. 
Lost a second one tonight. One of the three lethargic ones, unless my eyes deceive me I think there was some pine-coning going on but it was also looking very thin so it may just look that way. 
I'm going to add a half dose of aquarium salt tonight (did another 50% w/c today) but I'm not hopeful for the two remaining lethargic ones 
Sorry for your loss.
I'm not to hopefully either. So sad. Worth giving it a try. No need really to tell you that.
Sorry to hear ans sorry for reacting this late.
To me there are far more meds that you'd be carefull about with scaleless fish.
JBL is believed to be a brand that's serious about this and constantly renewing its meds, so bacteria can't really get resistant to it as to Esha 2000 for instance (same ingredients since the seventies).
I wasn't able to copy the link but check
Think they will be very helpfull
I've bought both meds to have them in stock and only used Ektol fluid. A C.Paleatus having somekind of issue (seperated it) didn't make it. In another case, which looked like finrot it seemed to have cured it.
Problem with both meds is that it also destroyes good (filter)bacteria. That's why I try to use it as less as possible !!!
Thanks DoubleDutch, and snazy.I started a thread in tropical discussion about the med but nobody replied.
Just wanted members who have used the medication to leave some feedback.
If you do decide to add the ektol medication to the isolation tank when it arrives I would move the healthy
corys back to the main tank.
I also need to say that the really ill corys might not handle the med as there to weak to handle it.
Thanks everyone your input is very much appreciated.
To be honest, I don't know if the weakened ones will last more than a few more days, unless the salt really lessens the stress they are under. On that note, the addition of a tablespoon of aquarium salt last night didn't seem to bother them and they looked ok this morning, phew!
If the remaining 2 lethargic ones don't make it until the medication comes I'm thinking that I won't use the medication and just QT them for a couple of weeks to be safe.
I do understand.
You been a trooper so far.
Good Luck.
Hi guys, just thought I'd give you a little update.
I lost another of the lethargic ones last night but I always kind of knew it wasn't going to make it so I'm relieved in a way. 
The last of the "lethargic ones" this one has never shown any symptoms apart from not moving (It never even had any fin damage), has I think, shown some improvement. It's eating and is starting to move around a bit. It is still much less active than the others but it will have a little swim around every now and again. I'm worried it's having swimbladder issues as it seems to lose control of it's back end every now and again and it's bum floats up and it swims nose down but then it does sort itself out. 
The second cory to take ill (with a film over it's eye and gill) is still pretty much the same. Behaving like a healthy fish and eating but the eye and gill still aren't right. It may be improving but I'm not sure and with there being no light over this tank I can't get a bright enough picture to compare it against the one I took originally. I'll put some time in this afternoon and try to get one. 
Everyone else is looking great and very fat lol, I guess that's life when not competing with any other fish for food! 
EDIT: I've just looked back at the old picture of this fish and it's actually looking significantly better 
Sorry for your loss.
Has the ektol arrived yet. Though I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth adding now.
Thanks for the update.
Nope not here yet but yes I think I'll keep up with the water changes and salt and see how we get on
That's the problem with UK medication there only any good on mild bacteria infections.
Keep fingers crossed for you. 
When do you think you will add the remaining healthy corys back to main tank?
I dunno, I'm tempted to go ahead and do it now but I think the remaining two are probably happier with the larger group...
OK. I do understand.
How are things going?
Hi Wilder!
Well I've moved everyone bar one back to the main tank. The second cory to become ill (had a cloudy and and gill plate) looks like he'll make a full recovery (fingers crossed!) however after having improved for several days, the last of thre three "lethargic corys" has started to decline again. Looking pale, inactive and I think it's gills may be looking red. The JBL has arrived but I am hesitant to use it as it is looking quite bad and the meds might push it over the edge.
Thanks for the update.
It's up to you if you use the JBL medication. To be honest don't think you have much to lose.
Glad the other corys are doing well.
Good Luck.

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