Cory With Growth Over Eye?

All looks the same today. The one with the cloudy eye/gill plate may look better but I'm not sure. He doesn't sit still long enough for me to get a good look lol
The three lethargic ones are just the same, I'm not hopeful for them. It's so strange because they don't really have any other symptoms...had I not had others that were ill I would have probably never noticed anything wrong with them while in the main tank
That's what  I don't like about buying off other sellers on Amazon it can take ages for thing to arrive.
Are the sick corys still eating?
Is there breathing normal?
I saw one eat two days ago but it was only because the bloodworm floated right under it's nose. No, breathing is irregular but not the same for all three. One may have slow breathing and the other may be fast. They had had bloodworm again tonight (I'm keen to encourage them, they don't usually get it so often) and I don't think any of the three ate. Because of the tank being bare bottomed I can see in the reflection that their bellies are looking sunken. Everyone else is looking very plump though.
Bless Them. It's not sounding to hopeful for them.
Really need some antibiotics. It's so annoying you can't get hold of them in this country.
I know, it's so frustrating!
I added their last dose of myxazin  yesterday. What should my plan of action be now? Leave it 24 hours, water change, start another 5 day course? Or just do lots of water changes maybe 50% every 2 days or something? Apparently it helps to keep the bacteria count down? Not sure if that's right!
I'm thinking there is improvement in the one with the bad eye and no others have started showing symptoms - so not sure what to do until the new meds arrive!
I would start doing water changes and wouldn't bother continuing with the myxazin.As you haven't seen
any improvement with the sick fish.
I think for now till the other medication arrives I would double dose anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
Add the medication to fairly hot water to activate the ingredients.
Cory's can tolerate a bit of salt as I have used it in the past so add some salt but not the full dose. 

Also you could try soaking there food in garlic juice to give there immune system a boost.
I've always been unsure about adding salt, I have aquarium salt but I see mention of epsom salts as well? I'd rather use aquarium salt as I already have it lol.
Do you have any guidance on salt dosage for these guys? They are in a 35L tank.
As always, thanks so much for your help.
Usually is one tablespoon to 5 gallons. So I would just add half that.
Sorry that you keep having to add medication but I'm trying to hold the infection off till
the other medication arrives.
Remove the myxazin with water change and black carbon. Once the water change has been done add the salt.
Don't be tempted to add the healthy corys back to main tank. They still need to stay in quarantine for a while.
Okie dokie, will do! Don't worry about it, I get your line of thinking :)
Just worried that all the medication changes will stress the fish. The salt should help with that. I've used salt with corys so
don't worry to much. Just start off with salt gently if you never used it before with your corys by going in with a low dose first.
Good Luck.
Be carefull for your furniture / cloth with JBL Ektol. One drop of this blue stuff and they can't be rescued !!! There are two JBL Ektols btw (Ektol Fluid and Ektol Bac) !!!
Thanks DoubleDutch! What's your experience/thoughts on this medication? 
I've only ever used Furanoll 2 so if you could tell us about the Ektol Bac 250 it would be a great help DoubleDutch.
I was telling AOA on another thread that I was recommended the Ektol when I had issues with my corys. When I read the instructions I decided not to use it. It's one of those not recommended for catfish to start with. It wipes out the filter bacteria but then you can't use it in conjuction with dechlorinator either so one gets stuck with a uncycled tank, fish in ammonia for 5 days but then trying to cure a disease in this environment looks far fetched to me. This below is what's written on my instructions:

JBL Ektol fluid:

Medication for aquarium fish against fin rot and other external bacterial infectins caused by bacteria of the strains Aeromnas, Pseudomnas, Columnaris and others. "Fallen off" fins (fin rot), ulcers, mouth mould, popeyes and dropsy are frequent symptoms of such infections. Ektol fluid is also a reliable remedy in cases where the fish gave an indication of the onset of illness through their behaviour (sticky fins, rubbing against objects) but a definite diagnosis is not possible


Intolerance may be shown by invertebrates in freshwater(shrimp, crustacean, etc...). They should be excluded from treatment. Fish without scales (loaches and catfish) and weakened fish may react sensitivelyto the medication. Start with a half dose before carefully increasing.

Reaction with other medication: The use of water conditioners at the same time may cause Ektol fluid to be less effective. Using other medications at the same time may cause unwanted and unpredictable effects and should therefore be avoided. If other preparations have been used shortly before the planned application of Ektol, 2/3 of the water should be changed, after which Ektol may be safely used.


Before application any active carbon must be removed from the filter. UV-C appliances and CO2 fertilizers switched off.

Dose: 10ml for 40l water. A repeat dose can be given on the 5th day if required, in full strength. Immedeately before a repeat dose 30-50% of the water should be changed. In the case of soft water below 8 KH only 50% of the full dose should be given. For KH over 15 the dose maybe increased by 125%

Note on the length of treatment: An improvement or even the disappearance of the illness can normally be seen after a single dose. Treatment can be repeated if required as stated above

Filtering and Feeding during treatment: Ektol fluid causes massive damage to the cleansing bacteria in the filter. We therefore recommend disconnecting the filter frm the aquarium and running it in another container to retain the cleansing bacteria. Aerate the aquarium well during the time without the filter. If possible doo not feed during treatment.

After application: Before reconnecting the filter to the aquarium, remove all the filter material and store it in a damp, cool place. Fit the filter with new filter floss and active carbon. Filter the aquarium through this for 24 hours to remove all residue of the mediation. Throw away the filter floss and carbon and place the filter material previously removed back in the filter before running the filter. Finally, add a daily dose of JBL Acclimol to fortify the immune system of the fish and promote healing of the injuries sustained from the parasites?
Great. Never told you that on the site about corys.
Not bothered about it wiping the bacteria out as good medications do. There also in isolation.
It's just the toxicity to corys.
Thanks snazy.

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