Rainbow Shark Questions


Mar 13, 2007
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I'm planning on getting a 29 gallon from walmart, and I was wondering, what are some acceptable tankmates for rainbow sharks? And does anyone know any good flake/ pellet food I can get for one to eat that covers their entire diet?
i use nutrafin sinking complete food tablits for all mine.. anything thats for bottom feeders really,, u could put a rtbs in but some say not to... sevrums, angels, gouramis, danios, here is a link to one site but it only has SOME possablilities,, NOT all...
as i said that doenst list very many but a lot of things will go great with them... lfs has cichlids with them aswell, danions work, lots really
EDIT: just be careful with your additions that they arent gunna get too big for the tank... shoals of smaller fish would work...
honestly im not an expert at it tho
I'm planning on getting a 29 gallon from walmart, and I was wondering, what are some acceptable tankmates for rainbow sharks? And does anyone know any good flake/ pellet food I can get for one to eat that covers their entire diet?

rainbow go with most fish, except other rainbows and RTS. also 30g will eventually be too small for this fish, though they dont grow massive 7inches ish, they do need swimming room, and more than you would think for it size. they can also be a bit timid so larger fish are perhaps a no no untill it has grown a bit. i use common tropical fish flake, they also seem to like bloodworm, daphnia and oddly mine liked cucumber.
oh...okey dokey. Because I've got several sites saying a tank of at least 36 inches in length for a rainbow shark, including badmanstropicalfish.com, and a lot of people swear by that site. But I also trust personal experience way, way more than some guy somewhere telling me to just do it. So I'll probably end up with some goldies in that tank. Maybe some smaller fish. I'm off to do research! HA HA!
oh...okey dokey. Because I've got several sites saying a tank of at least 36 inches in length for a rainbow shark, including badmanstropicalfish.com, and a lot of people swear by that site. But I also trust personal experience way, way more than some guy somewhere telling me to just do it. So I'll probably end up with some goldies in that tank. Maybe some smaller fish. I'm off to do research! HA HA!

ahh shame, it is often forgoten when you look at tank size that the fish you are looking up, is very unlikly to be the only fish in the tank, i would hang on for some more replys, there are people here with far more experience than me.

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