*Copies an up-date from another form I now post on more regularly, as cannot be bothered re-writing it all...*
OK, pictures, here is hoping there isn't a maximum number of photos per post

Before you complain Tina, you asked for it [001_tt2.gif]
The start of the tank build, raw glass from Leeds Glass, costing just £180 for both tank and sump, going into assembly. These pains of glass weigh a far bit, so you need to secure your base pain to the work-surface if you have any overhang...
Now, once your pain is ready to glue, you wipe down the edge your doing with meths, and apply masking tape to make the silicone go where it's supposed to...
Close-up there, you can see the dirt on the glass at the other side in this close-up. Repeate the process of cleaning and masking with the second piece you are gluing now.
Run a bead of silicone down the back, ready to stick the back pain in
Sit the second pain on the first and clamp into place.
Run another bead of silicone down the in-side
Lick your finger and run it along the bead to spread the silicone out and apply a good bondage to each pain
Carefully remove the masking tape to finish
Leave it 48 hours, or as long as your silicone manufacterer recommends, or until you can no-longer smell the silicone, which-ever is longest, before you take off the clamp.
And continue with the next pain in the same way
Here I add a baffle, in the same way again, using a block of wood to raise it up.
Once your sides and baffles are all in place, you mask-up and apply the front pain to finish the tank off [thumbup.gif]
Next-post, tank frame building, well, some of it [blushing.gif]
But first, just for randomnesses sake, some pictures of the breeding pair of angels I had the their fry that I still have [laugh.gif]
Hope you enjoyed. Will that keep you happy for a while Tina? [033.gif]
Well, there is water in it now, 200l/44g worth to be exact... The Live Rock is ordered, as is the egg crate to make the shelves with... RO unit has been ran for a long time each day since I finished setting it up on Friday...
You guys will want photo's, so here are a few more from about 2-3 weeks ago...
One of the stands load bearing frames...
And because I was going to do a "how to build a tank stand" guide, here are some "in the process" snaps... I diden't take any of joining the two frames together though, so I cannot do that guide after all. Trust my memory... NOT!
Square the end of your piece of wood before you do anything with it. IME timber yard cut wood isn't ever square
Measure and mark your piece length
And add the piece to it place on the finished frame, so you can see where everything is going to go...
Now mark your "Face Side", from which you will do all your marking. This is so that if there is an error with how you've set-up your marking gauge, the error is the same on every piece and hence does not make any loose/tight guides, provided you follow your lines properly...
Now you have your face side, mark where all the pieces will overlap. One spot on each is enough, then use your tri-square to make sure you get a square line all round..
Now you make the mortices and tenons. Make sure the sticking out wooden bit of your marking gauge is on the "face side" when you mark though, for the above mentioned reasons...
Run a pencil down the marked lines to make them clearer to see. Shade the bits that you are going to remove, and ensure that the shaded bits do not match on the piece of wood into which that joint is going to fit. Now you cut out and glue the joint together.
Now, the finished product in the water test
Hope you enjoyed
Sorry if that hasn't formatted correctly, or if smiley are broken, as said above it's a direct copy and past job from two posts I put on another forum