Rabbuts Slow Burner

Phhh, DI. When you get down to 1-3 TDS points, you've got mainly Carbon molecules left in the water. Do they necessarily need removing? Carbon is harmless, and some argue beneficial, so why not just leave it in? Maintain the membranes correctly, and you shouldn't need DI ;) The RO-Man unit comes with a flush kit, but ball valves would be a good idea :nod: Oh, I'm gonna need 1, possibly 2, 200l water butts for mixing water too come to think of it...

All the best
ooo rabbut....result.

I think for Zeo you are reccomended to use KZ reefers best salt though. Dont know what difference it could make.
The rrps is £70 though so you get a good deal :p i get mine for that from the LFs as mates rates.

Kz one is £65.99 for a 20k box on reefstock.

Do you get the sacks? i hate them, much rather have a tub. The sacks are only 20K too :(
i wouldnt get it from them! just first link on google.

look at us hyjacking rabbuts thread :p

what fish you got planned for this rabbut?
Well, no, you won't find out stoking plans until next year if I get the go ahead, as I haven't finalised any yet, and won't do until I have a tank to put stock into. If I spec my stock now, I'll be tempted to rush it :rolleyes: The only "essential" is a Frogfish of some form in the reforgium part of the sump, and the stock currently in the Nano. ;)

ooo rabbut....result.

I think for Zeo you are reccomended to use KZ reefers best salt though. Dont know what difference it could make.

I believe that that is down to the Zeo's manufacturer's marketing plan. It's like TMC saying you need their pumps to drive their skimmer, or Eheim saying you should only use their O-ring grease on their filters. It's trying to get you to spend more money with that firm :rolleyes: That's my take on it anyway.

Please note I haven't been given the full go-ahead on this yet, the folks could still turn arround and say no, especially as floor weight allowances given by an ex-engineer at work say I need to either rip up the floor boards, dig a 1ft hole benieth the tank, fill it with concrete, before installing joist supports and the floorboards to support the tank, or I have to raul-bolt some or all of the stand to the load-bearing walls to support the weight of 700-800KG of tank in that spot, or the tank is highly likely to go through the floor. So, it's one long and messy job that's reversableish, or another that's quick and clean, but makes a tank install there somewhat more permenant. Lets say my Dad isn't too happy about with either prospect ATM...

All the best
Rabutt I have everything crossed for you that you get the go ahead from the parents. :good:

It will be a stunning system if you do.

Any chance of some piccies in the other thread of the last purchases??
I'm running a working install of Windows now, so yer, I might just manage that. Oh wait, Windows wants to be re-started AGAIN to fix some stuff the last update broke, and brake some stuff that did work fine until they decided to update it :rolleyes:

My dad is currently focusing more on the idea of ripping up the floor boards and adding a concrete base, more than the rawl bolt option, and has said in as may words, no way, to it. I'm not sure he's realised it's two seporate ways to do it, but no means no for tonight, so there ain't gonna be progress until tomorrow if at all now... He wants me to speak to an Electronics Engineer next door about the structural engineering problem on hand :unsure:

It's not deffinate that I need the re-inforcements, as I've told a "normal" engineer about the floors, without showing him, to get that answer. While re-inforcement to take 800KG sounds plausible and even likely as nessisary, these houses round here are solidly built, it's going in an alcove surrounded by 3 load bearing walls and I've seen bigger on similar floors without aditional support... I think I'm gonna have to pay a proper structural engineer to come out and take a look here :nod:

So, anyone know of a third suport option, or a good structural engineer in the Leeds area?

All the best

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