Well, finally got to the supplier of the clowns today, and they have agreed to go halves on a replacement pair for me as soon as they can get them. Working in the trade though, I am fairly pesimistic about the wait involved though, but there is hope, since they deal with TMC London as well as TMC Manchester, so have three times the ammount of stock available to them than work does

It half supprised me that they were willing to do that though, one body, no recipt (not that would be an issue anyway, if you know your legal position in the UK) and minimal comunications untill today...
Anyhow, got some Green Xenia and a stoe-away Blue Mushroom yesterday at work, along with enough water for a 40% waterchange. Some new shells have finaly been added for the hermits also, and both have moved house already

I will try to get round to some pics later this week...
The shop seemd to agree with my theory of parasites being a possible caurse of death. They obviouly wanted to argue that the issue was at my end, but they were happy at agree to a half way meeting point after negotiations... They reconed that they had the clowns at their end for 5 months before I picked them up. Interesting as it was 5 weeks when I called origionally
All the best