OK, one Photo-update after getting the Clean-up crew in...
Water stats as of Saturday are;
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
pH 8.2
SG 1.022
I've now topped up two days evaporation losses with salted RO (arround 2l) to try and pull SG up a little to 24... All the new stock are looking good though, and I've started my hunt for some Scunk Clownfish
The rock stack as it is now;
The only remaining Aptasia, the other 4-5 of them appear to have found a shrimp during the night...
Some free Yellow Sponge. This was transported in air though, so I don't expect it to last. It is already looking a bit "worse for wear"
A hitch-hiking hermit of some kind. Either a massive blue leg, or more likely a common...
He decided he'd had enough photos taken of him by this point, and did a runner... I cannot find either of the ones I bought, but there were no spare shells in there that they could have re-located to and that isn't the shell either were in when I last saw them...
One of the three Peppermint shrimp. Being a little camera shy. They usualy all come out when somebody in in the room

Loverly colours on them...
I've added mebe 1/4 of a block of frozen brine by Ocean Nutrition to keep things ticking over for now. The whole CUC went mad for the stuff
All the best