Rabbut's Marine Jurnal

Well, your questions are about to be answered.... Another up-date is here :good:

The more stroppy than earlier today Hammer to start;


Some Button Polyps


One of the two Trumpet Polyp colonies


and it's frag


The Organ Pipe


Closed Brain


Open Brain




Fire Coral


Purple Montipora


Royal Gramma, first time I've been able to get a good (ish) photo of it :nod:


Now, a FTS or two



Saved till last, the Anemone


So, did you spot the difference? :p Granted, this one may require a little work, but I've pulled back worse at the shop... Tina's correct, the Malu is now a Green BTA :nod:

All the best
Traded into a local shop for the new one. It was OK, refusing to feed and wandering (presumably due to a recent Nitrate issue that's now cleared up) but still was cream and wasn't looking otherwise distressed. Bottom line was something about my system wasn't correct after removing the Halide and had a Nitrate spike, so it was best to re-home it IMO. :sad:

All the best
I actually never in a million yrs thought I would be right on that guess. :kana:

Good call though Rabutt, if only more people did that, less would die in captivity. :good:

That Bubble Tip is lovely :wub: I really have to get me one. I have a Birthday coming up though :angel:

Lets hope this one likes your system.
Hopefully will now the Nitrate has cleared. I wasn't sure if the Malu wandering was down to the Nitrates or LED's, but when Nem's go downhill, they go down quick, and I wasn't really indenting to wait around long enough to find out which when I wasn't 100% on which was the cause. I know of folk keeping BTA's under practically no light, so it was really a better nem to experiment on by keeping under LED's. I may try a Malu again at some point under LED's, but in a bigger tank in a few years time when I have a larger volume of water and a lighter fish stocking to avoid Nitrate spikes in the system. Again, I know of a fair few people keeping BTA's in higher-Nitrate systems longer-term with no issues. If the BTA becomes un-happy though, I'll go back to being nemless however :nod:
your tank is looking great mate, really loving the shots aswell. I like the lights aswell, really nice =]
really interesting coloured closed brain. is it really that pale?

lovley looking anenome (sp?) Rabbut. mmmm got me thinking about one now.......
Well I never, so you now have a bleached BTA - suppose you will not know what colour it is until some colour returns :blush: those clowns sure look happy

Seffie x

It's a green BTA, it still has some colour :good: If it was completely bleached, I'd have left it where it was, as completely bleached ones are very difficult to pull back :nod: Semi-bleached BTA's are easy to pull round in good conditions though, IME at work :nod: Just feed them well and wait a few weeks basically, they'll come right :nod:

Some bad news on the BTA though. The Peppermint shrimp was really bothering it, trying to nick it's last meal after it had vanished into the mouth. I didn't think too much of it last night, as the clowns were doing a good-ish job of keeping it at bay, but as a result the thing was really deflated and had a gaping mouth this morning. The offended as been lifted to the skimmer bucket in exile, to be sent to work tomorrow, and the Nem looks to be recovering OK from it's ordeal, with the mouth closing again :nod: Catching the shrimp necessitated removing all the rock though, so naturally I've had to re-scape :rolleyes: I like it, there is more sense of depth now and there is more space for new corals :hyper: Hum, high flow loving, not too demanding SPS corals, what should I ask work to order? I'm thinking about some Acans for another spot though...

All the best
Seratiopora hysterix and guttatus possibly caliendrum, nice pocilloporas and a few nice montis such as hirsuta.

Less demanding, but very pretty.

Glad you managed catch the troublemaker, hopefully nem will recover now.
thats what kept happening to mine, but cleaner shrimp. Blame it for killing mine, just no chance of catching it
Well, 3-4 hours later, the Nem looks like nothing happened..... I've come to the conclusion that Nems are just Hypochondriacs....

Thanks Tina, I'll go look at those you've recommended now :nod:

All the best
Sorry Anguilla, missed your post. The Closed brain is a pink colour. It is pale, but not quite as pale as the photo makes it look :good:

Seriatopora hysterix is also known as a "Birds Nest" coral isn't it? If so, I always thought they had a poor success rating? Nice pieces and very colourful though :nod:

The guttatus is nice too, but are they better than the hysterix for survivability? Similarly the caliendrum? I'm starting to feel like I need to get a good coral book :lol:

Montiporas are very nice, I may try one of those, mind you miliporas are nice too :nod: Anyone have thoughts on a Milipora species in this tank? Are they a more demanding one? I know Acroporas have a bit of a reputation at work for being difficult, but they are pretty too.... Oh decisions decisions. As Seffie's custom member profile puts it, "I used to be indecisive, but not I'm not too sure" :lol:

All the best

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