Right, I was going to post photo's for you tonight. I photographed everything as usual, transfered the photos from the camera to the coumper's hard disk and then re-booted so Windows Vista could load up (I usually run Linux Ubuntu, but Photobucket does not like the Linux file browsing system and hence I HAVE to use Windows to load photo's on there unfortunately) at which point I discovered a technical fault... Vista won't go as far as loading the user log-on screen *sigh*. Been installed for just over a month and it's but already when used maybe twice a week, and it's been slow and un-stable the whole time... Got to love Microsh** Windoze haven't you

So, it's going to be about a week before there are any more photo up-dates I'm afraid while I work out what I want to do about Windows and then actually pull my finger out far enough to do it... Good opertunity for a hard-drive upgrade though
Anyhow, since you don't want to wait to see what I bought, I'll tell anyone that's following. I got a Trachiadersa (spelling) Maxima clam and a Purple and Green Fungia, or "Chubby Plate" as some of you would better know it by.... Oh and I've found my new Coral supplying shop, Ocean Corals, on the outskirts of York. He's only been trading 3 months but is already popular with the UR folk. Wach this space, I recon Paul will be taking Interfish's place as the best Marine retailer in the area. He has a massive coral stock for the size of the shop, all very healthy and very well priced. Cap this off with him actually knowing his stuff and being very happy to refuse sale if your tank isn't good enough, and you have a recipy for a VERY good shop

BigC, he's well worth a Visit next time you are up this way

Bit hard to find though, drove past him five times...
All the best