Well, it's been a while since I've updated this, so I'll do that now. These photos are nearly a week, nearly two, old, and a lot has changed so I'll likely up-date fairly soon.
Right then, onto the photo's, I'll start with the FTS
Sorry about the bad reflection there
Now, many will know I built and installed a DIY LED rig for this tanks main lighting, due to heat issues with the halide. Comming with the fully computer controlled lights, I also have electronically controlled cooling fans, so they automatically switch themselves on and off as needed

Anyhow, enough twittering, more photo's
The smaller holes are air intakes for the LED heat sinks, the large fans are air extractor's for the main tank...
The above fans offer cooling to the main tnak as it overheats. The extractors and tank fans have independant control also...
There has been a small modification to the skimmer also
The may be a bigger skimmer mod comming up as it keeps leaking mind

A full spec on the LED rig will (eventually) get posted in the Hardware forum, with cost and parts break-downs.
Now, livestock
Malu and Clowns. The nem will look very different when I post the next update.
Trumpet corals
Closed Brain
Organ Pipe
Open Brain
Fire Coral, note the new green glow it's found under the blue LED's
Purple Montipora
Hammer Coral
I've had a move arround, and adjusted the LED setting a bit to reduce the "blue" apperance of the tank a little, more in the next update..
All the best
BTW, ben, I may take you up on that statement when the Monti is ready for fragging

Be afraid, be very afraid