Well, time for an up-date me thinks... I'm going to do things a little differently this time aswell, by starting with a FTS
Well, after strong growth from the trumpets, I've had to frag them to allow light to the center polyps, so I have two colonies of them
The Elegance is looking good
The hammer has perked up somewhat
The closed brain
The open brain
The Organ Pipe and the strange but nice looking red seaweed. The Organ Pipe had just been moved over to make way for the new Trumpet coral frag, so is in a bit of a strop as a result
"Fire Coral" SPS
Purple Montipora
Some new GSP's. My ex-collegue that sold these to me surgest the cause of the demise of the last lot was that they were getting too stronger light, hence they are in the front corner
The Bubble coral is in a massive strop ATM, and has been for a few days.
Any ideas as to whats causing it anyone? See the end of the post for the water stats, a few levels are too high, but not to a point where they should cause the strop I wouldn't have thought...
The Malu has moved a bit..
Unfortunately I've lost the torch

Here is a water test result up-date
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm
pH 8.2
Phosphate 0ppm
Magnesium 1480 - missed two drops of Mg -1 regent, so take that reading with a pinch of salt, was expecting about 1350ppm
Alkalinity 11.2dKH
Calcium 460ppm
Salinity 1.027
All the best