OK, not been updated for a while, so I figured that I would do some photos and come back again. Got some new livestock since last time too

Nothing too exciting, just a Malu Anemone. Oh, and I've felt confident enough to remove the guards from the Tunze Nanostreams....
after removing the nanostreams themselves... They weren't pulling against the increased resistance of the sponges, so all flow had virtually stopped. They have been replaced with a Maxijet MP1200 and a MP600, making for just over 20 times an hour turnover. No longer enough for the SPS corals, so I will likely need to replace the MP600 with another MP1200, but we'll see how it goes first... The Maxijets of course have sponge guards on them to prevent a suicide
OK, enough twittering on, time for some Photos
The Torch Coral
My remaining Clown with the Torch Coral. I haven't seen the other one again as yet, but then I lost track of my Pink Scooter Blenny for about a week, but that was out and about yesterday, looking OK, if a little skinny. I think I'm going to need to order some more Copepod cultures of Reefworks to keep it going while my own culture picks up again...
Trumpet Polyps
Elegance Coral
Open Brain Coral
Purple Montipora
The Other Brain Coral
The Bubble Coral. A bit of a naff pick, it's looking good in real life but appears sickly there...
Green Star Polyps, not looking too bad considering they'd virtually melted earlier. The Malu is encroaching on them though, and they may get stung, but hey... Such is life, I won't move them until the end of the week, as it would upset the nem who has attached itself to their rock

My own stupid fault for placing it in that cave I suppose, but I wasn't expecting it to actually stay where it was put
Now, the Malu Anemone. Photo's don't really show the Cream flesh or purple tips to the tentacles...
And just to finish off, a Full Tank Shot.
That should be 12 different photos, now lets see if they are all different this time
All the best