Rabbit Pics

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Cheers poopsydrew for the compliment :) , the way i see things, this forum isn't about bad-mouthing and getting nasty at people who make mistakes, as we all make mistakes, and we are all here to learn more about fishkeeping and other stuff, so we might as well be straightforward and polite with each other while we are here and all try to help each other out :) .

I made some pretty terrible mistakes when i first started out in fishkeeping, lol, i even kept 3 agressive/territorial Chinese Algae Eaters in a 10gal tank together, and later on i kept common plecos in 20gallon tanks etc in the early days of my fishkeeping. But i came here, and people were understanding and helpful with my problems and i followed their advice and i sorted out my stocking problems and learnt a lot more too, and now i don't keep chinese algae eaters in community tanks and all my plecos are in the right sized tanks etc :good: .
If i had come here and people had just started shouting at me saying i was cruel and evil and my fish were living in hell and i was basically a bad person etc, i probably would have just left the forum feeling hurt and insulted and never come back. But the people i met back then weren't like that, and they helped me and i took in their advice/help/info, and now i hang around the forum to keep on learning and to help others too who were once i my situation all those years ago :good: .

FTBgirl is young and inexperienced (she's only what, 14 years old?), not just in fishkeeping but with her rabbits too in certain respects. I don't think she is a bad person, and i know she wants to learn more and look after her pets better, which is why i have been spending a fair amount of time recently helping her out in numerous threads of hers. She has made a lot of mistakes, and doesn't seem to be learning a great deal that quickly in comparison to some of the other members here around her age, however she is trying to learn and change her ways and thats the main thing as long as she stays motivated. If she hangs around here a lot and spends time taking in advice and help people give her with her pet problems, i think by the time she's 15 or 16 she'll be very knowledgeable and good with her pets. All she needs to do is put in the effort, care and work her pets need from her :nod: .
Only if she is stupid enough to make the major mistake to completely ignore everyone's advice here deliberately even in the face of reason, will i think less of her and agree more with some of the less tactful people in this thread.

the indoor rabbit was spoilt to death. He knew exactly where the chocolate cupboard was and how to get it. He also slept on the bed instead of hay.
not meaning to start, or continue any fights but that is probably exactly what happened. chocolate is bad for dogs, and my guess would be it's not much better for rabbits. If the rabbit had run of the house it's possible he got into some food, medications, or chemicals that were bad for him. or he could have eaten something that caused a blockage. Meanwhile the rabbit in the hutch would have much less opportunity to get into dangerous things because they were less likely to gain access to its home.

Yeah i agree with you starrynightxxi, chocolate can't to do any good for rabbits, it'll rot their teeth and probably give them diabetes and make them overweight. Such human foods should be for humans only, stick to carrots for rabbits.
"But just because I may live in a 1 bed terrace in the city and you might live in a mansion in the country doesn't mean that you are going to be any happier or better looked after than me. "
im cartain the rabbits would be happier in a large cage/hutch. im not saying anything abouthe care, im sure FBTgirl feeds them ell,gives them wateran hy a handles them daily, bu itsh sie isim bothered about.
i may have been quick to get annoyed, but it really does anger me. some one who is 14 or so, having so many rabbits and not keeping them correctly, surly your parents should have said something. or you would have found out by reading information in books or on the internet.
and tokis we all make mistakes, but not saying im better then anyone, cos im not, but before i bought any animal, be it fish, rabbit or reptile, i make sure i do plenty of research and know i have everything right before bringing the animal home.
I'm fairly certain chocolate is poisonous to cats... and dogs... and most other pets, so there you go. It might have taken it a while to work, but I'll bet you it got into something nasty.
Like I said before. I totally agree with everything everyone is saying. When I had my house rabbit I was about 12 I thought that feeding a rabbit chocolate would make it happy and it would loveme even more.I also realise that the rabbit in the garden was totally neglected. I'm now 23 and wouldn't dream of giving my 2 dogs, 2 cats, parrot or fish anything that wasn't good for them. But that is what comes of growing up. My animals now come first over everything. If I need to do a water change on one of my tanks or the dogs need walking that comes before anything I or my partner want to do.

I don't think us all getting into arguements is really gonna help FBTgirl. Like tokis said we can voice our opinions and let FBT make her own decisions. No one is perfect! :D
I have a house rabbit thats runs around the house almost all day... Thanks buttercupbabe. But anyway,
Now I am not completely changes out all my cages for 5 foot runs outside. That is all I have to say right now.
so what your saying is your dont care about your rabbits happiness and even tho they are being kept in the wrong conditions, you dont give a damn and gonna let them suffer for longer. you cant be arsed making/buying runs for the rabbits and your going to convince yourself its ok to keep rabbits in those tiny, sh*t holes for they whole life.

" have a house rabbit thats runs around the house almost all day" do that one live in a tiny cage when its not running around the house?
My rabbits are not suffering! 3 of them live in 4 foot cages. They can jump... Its not like I put a flemish giant (Gets up to 15 pounds) into that cage....!!!!!!!!!!!
oh im sorry, that makes it all ok then. 3 of your rabbits are in suitable housing while the rest have to be stuck in that cage. and just because your rabbits are giants, doesnt mean they are better in there, i wouldnt even put a never dwarf in there, even if it was a baby.
Why are you guys so mean. First off, her rabbits are NOT living in he** holes. Fishboy, you also got mad at RC on fishforums.com for keepiung her bettas in too small of tanks when they are actually nice sized tanks. You are acting really immature.
i think they are living in hell holes. they are small cages with wire flooring, just about the worse kind of cages you can get for rabbits,
and what happened on fishforum.com was totally different., it was about bettas being kept in gallon tanks, and she was hording them. so i said what i thought, what the forum is for, right? i dont want to stop you saying what you feel, only thing in on the other forum, everyone else thought it was ok to keep bettas in small tanks with no heaters, and its a crap forum anyway, personally not as good as this one, as everyone here knows whats wrong with keeping livestock in small enclosures.
and isnt it against forum rules to mension other forums?
no. This forum is for giving people adivce on how to take care of their pets better. NOT FOR BASHING PEOPLE. Its not fgonna help FBT if you tell her she keeps her bettas in hell holes.
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