Rabbit Pics

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:/ each to their own and shoot me down for saying so - but what a terrible life to be caged up in such a small horrid wire cage stacked upon each other.
OMG i have to agree,I dont keep guinea pigs in anything less than a 4ft hutch so in my opinion as a rescue those cages are way to small to keep rabbits in,they are no bigger than show cages :unsure:
You guys! The rabbits don't live in the cages 24/7. It's not like she keeps them in the cages, feeds em crappy food, never ccleans the cgaes and constantly breeds them.
You guys! The rabbits don't live in the cages 24/7. It's not like she keeps them in the cages, feeds em crappy food, never ccleans the cgaes and constantly breeds them.
OK then - and without trying to antagonise or stir things up - where do they live for 23/7?? Those wire cages look pretty much like the permanent "homes" to me - or am I wrong?
She says she lets them out to play. If they lived there 23/7 don't you think they'd look a little bit scrapy and not so healthy
In all fairness they do look pretty healthy and happy to me. And someone asked for pictures of the cages she didn't put them up to atagonise anyone. She only wanted to show you har rabbits. Give the poor girl a break.
you beet me too it bloo,
i was going to say they look a little crampted, and your more botherd about how many rabbits you own, then the happiness of each one. also are they always on wire flooring, it was damage their feet and hurt them badly. a solid floor is better for them.
tho they are nice rabbits, i cant imagin how they much be feeling

I don't post often but I do read everyday, and I have to say I agree with this. From everything I've read, our OP sounds to me like a bit of a hoarder. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel from everything I've read.
I am nothing like a hoarder! OK have you been to a rabbit show? People have up to 150 rabbits and the cages are the same as mine are! I am being a bit rude I know but I am getting very mad! Do you think I hoard rabbits? OK tell me if you had 200 Betta Fish like Cracker do I have a right to call him a hoarder? No I really dont! I am sorry that I sounded rude but I am really mad that you said that. :no:
I am nothing like a hoarder! OK have you been to a rabbit show? People have up to 150 rabbits and the cages are the same as mine are! I am being a bit rude I know but I am getting very mad! Do you think I hoard rabbits? OK tell me if you had 200 Betta Fish like Cracker do I have a right to call him a hoarder? No I really dont! I am sorry that I sounded rude but I am really mad that you said that. :no:

If you are truly sorry that you sounded rude to the previous person who voiced their opinion, you should have hit the "delete" key, not the "add reply" key.

Most people have seen rabbits in show cages, but I can assure you that most people would not DREAM of keeping rabbits in that type of cage 23/7, or even 1/1 for that matter. The Rabbit welfare Association gives recommendations about the minimum cage size a single rabbit should be kept in, in order to keep it physically and mentally healthy, and that is 4 foot in length, many many times bigger than your cages. If you do not think that keeping your poor rabbits in those cramped conditions, with wire bases, is anything other than CRUEL, try posting your photos on a RABBIT forum, and we'll see what the members there have to say about them.
You guys need to knock it off! All she did was simply post her rabbit's and cages, which are nicely sized. And then she gets slammed for having to small of cages. I used to have a rabbit and she didn't have a 4 foot long cage, she had a wooden hutch outside, granted she was only there all night, and most of the time she had a 5 foot run to play in. But, she would dig out of her run a lot, because the neighbors had rabbits, and i think she liked em. All FBTgirl did is post her rabbits and you guys slammed her. I don't care if im being rude. If you guys don't have something to say doesnt say anything at all.Like, FBTgirl said, so cracker, who fights bettasand keeps them in less in adaquete tanks, isn't a hoarder. If he isn't a hoarder then fbt girl definatly isnt. Leave her alone.
leave FBTgirl alone?
i have to ask why. so she posted pictures of her rabbit death traps...sorry cages and thats ok cos she only wanted to show you her rabbits, its like showing a picture of a ill treated dog and saying, oh donthave a go at me, i was only posting a picture of what i keep at home.
we have everyright to express our opinions, the same as you do, and personally i think its way cruel to keep rabbits in them cages, those white things at bottom of cages also have holes in them, so its not really helping the matter of having a wire floor. to me it looks like you want to have more and more rabbits, and at there expense you cramp themj together in small cages and ok, so handle them and take them out, but you still put them back in the cages, even if you got them out 12 hours a day, the poor rabbits would still have 12 hours nighly in the cages, every day. not even enough room to have a jump. and if what you are saying about cracker and his bettas, im sure i would say what i think if her ever posted pictures of his set-ups, but he hasnt (or not to my knowledge) so i have no proof that he keep them that way.
to me, the pictures you posted are the sort of pics i would expect to see on an advert for cruelity to animals, the ones with sad music in the background and zooming into there hollow eyes, almost crying for freedom.
i belive a lot of the hutches sold in pet shops are too small, i have my rabbits in 5 ft hutches, granted i built them myself to a certain size, but even a foot smaller would have been fine.
no matter what anyone says i think its wrong to keep rabbits in cages that size, and you call yourself an animal lover....
She was asked to put those pictures up. Those rabbits look cleaner and more relaxed than half the rabbits I see in big cages. Why does everything have to be an argument? People can't just say nice rabbit cage looks a bit small to me. No it has to go into full scale animal cruelty and bad treatment.
All i can add to this is if she was in the UK the new animal welfare bill would not allow her to keep rabbits in a cage that size.
I used to show netherland Dwarfs and yes they went to shows in small cages but they lived in large hutches at home.
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