Rabbit Pics

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She was asked to put those pictures up. Those rabbits look cleaner and more relaxed than half the rabbits I see in big cages. Why does everything have to be an argument? People can't just say nice rabbit cage looks a bit small to me. No it has to go into full scale animal cruelty and bad treatment.

I completly agree. She just simply wanted to show you guys her cages. Animal cruelty would be keeping them in extremly small, crammed cages, 2-3 rabbits per cage, no food, no water, and there poop is piled up in the corners. Doesnt that even look like animal cruelty, NO!
This is animal cruelty:
she may have been asked to post pictures, but that doesnt mean i cant give my opinion about how small they are,
and those animal cruelity pictures on that link Zafirah, they arent much smaller then the ones FBTgirl keeps hers in.
pictures can lie a lot babybell, it may look like those rabbits are relaxed and cleaner, but honestly, they can hardy bloody turn around in those cages, let alone be relaxed in them. atleast in bigger hutches they can jump around and be given exercise.
"No it has to go into full scale animal cruelty and bad treatment."
why shouldnt it, if i have something to say, like all others on this forum, then i belive i should be able to say it, its ok you telling me to not to say how cruel those cages look, but what happens if i tell you to stop defending a girl who keeps her rabbits in tiny cages and thinks its ok.
those cages are fine for lets say...transport, showing, or even being in on for a few hours, but days after days after days the rabbits must feel in hell.
the rabbits have food, have water, have a clean cage (mainly because the poo falls through the gaps in a wire flooring which the rabbits shouldnt be on anyway) but that doesnt excuse the fact the cages are too small.
OK!!! If you have a right to say what you want then so do I! My rabbits live in smaller cages than some peoples but that does not mean they live in Hell. Also it is not cruelty, If it was than almost all the rabbit breeders in the world would be cruel! Almost every rabbit breeder has these cages! I am not a hoarder! OK if you can say your opion than I can say mine so there...Thats my defense and I will not be posting on this topic anymore.
I totally agree with everything fishboy has said. rabbits shouldn't be kept in cages like that for all their lives. look at a rabbits natural habitat, wide open spaces. certainly not what these cages are providing.

why not build some runs and hutches for outdoors? they would be much happier then.
I kinda agree with J4AMES. The rabbits are NOT living in a hell hole, though. But, maybe talk to your mom and see if she will built a run for each buck, and then one large run for the does. Then, they only have to bein their at night
I totally agree with everything fishboy has said. rabbits shouldn't be kept in cages like that for all their lives. look at a rabbits natural habitat, wide open spaces. certainly not what these cages are providing.

why not build some runs and hutches for outdoors? they would be much happier then.
If wild rabbits live in fields then how is a metre square run gonna compare or a 5 foot hutch. That argument is slightly irrelevent then. Like our fish that live in great lakes and rivers and we keep them in fish tanks? Nothing is fair and we can't compare our domestic pets to there wild cousins
We are getting play pens for them...I think around 3 play pens and then one can run outside of the play pen. So we would have more number of rabbits running around. Also The ones on the side :The ones not hooked up to the other side where the fuzzy lops are:. They are 4 feet evan though they do not look like it.
I totally agree with everything fishboy has said. rabbits shouldn't be kept in cages like that for all their lives. look at a rabbits natural habitat, wide open spaces. certainly not what these cages are providing.

why not build some runs and hutches for outdoors? they would be much happier then.
If wild rabbits live in fields then how is a metre square run gonna compare or a 5 foot hutch. That argument is slightly irrelevent then. Like our fish that live in great lakes and rivers and we keep them in fish tanks? Nothing is fair and we can't compare our domestic pets to there wild cousins
They can atleast have a hop around when they want to, fish are not the same, unless someone is keeping an adult pacu in a 4ft tank, and if someone posted that on this forum wouldn't people think thats cruel? Imo it's just cruel keeping them in cages that size even for a couple of hrs a day, they
must get so frustrated.My rabbit constantly jumps and runs around.We have a 4ft outdoor cage a 4ft indoor and a 5 x 2 x 2 pen.Soon we are going to build a massive pen at the back of our garden, something like 12 x 14ft and put the otudoor cage in the middle.All it takes is a few stakes, wire, nails and a hammer.The cost is basically nil. :good:
exactly cheesyfeet, a simple run or pen is easy to make and gives the rabbits a lot more room to move.
FBTgirl, no body is saying breeders arent cruel, i honestly think they are cruel, keeping and breeding only for money. i hate most breeders and i think your cages arent much better. people who own rabbits as pets and deside to breed them atleast give them a good size hutch/cage and breed mainly for the experience of having baby rabbits rather than for money.
james, ok so no body can give any animal the same as in the wild, but i understand what you are saying. its one thing keeping them in a 4ft/5ft hutch with run, but hell its another thing keeping them in ting wire floored cages.
so FBTgirl, you are getting some playpens, ok thats a start, but will all your rabbits be able to use these playpens? tho i still feel them having to go back into those cages at night wont make them happy. its like a prison than a cage, having as many rabbits are you get get into a small space. rabbits are meant to be loved and given good room to move around. no just collected.
here in england you would soon be warned of those cages by enforcments.
your damn right it would be cruel keeping a pacu in a 4 ft tank, and its not much different keeping those rabbits in those cages. building your own run is cheaper and more effective then buying one, takes less then a few hours and can be made to any shape or size.

These are my feelings on the subject;

1. To those ranting words like "cruelty" and "hell" etc: Its not that i nesasarily disagree with you in certain essences with what you are saying, but i think you could probably be a lot more tactful towards FTBgirl in getting your points across. IMO, this isn't the right way to do it if you want FTBgirl to take action, and convincing FTBgirl to take action with this rabbit accomodation problem should be your goal here.

2. To FTBgirl;
a. I don't that you have been intentionally cruel or anything like that, but i do think some of your actions have been irresponsable over the care of your rabbits in certain aspects of their keeping.
b. It is very good that you are apparently feeding them a good diet, handling them on a daily basis, keeping them clean and healthy etc. However, despite this, it doesn't make up for their inadequate housing.
c. No matter how you look at it, whoever you are whether you are very knowledgable on keeping rabbits or not, if you have any sense it does not take much imagination to look at those cages and realise they are far too small to be keeping rabbits in as their permanent accomodation. For a start, in the first place who on earth advised you that these cages were adequate for keeping rabbits in?
d. You must have neglected certain parts of your [thorough] research into rabbit keeping at least in the early days of your rabbit keeping to have let this major issue with rabbit accomodation slip by your notice. You only have yourself to blame in this respect, and you should take responsability for this mistake. I'm am not going to judge you futher on this, but you do have to admit that your rabbit accomodation is far too small for your rabbits and you only have yourself to blame on this- certainly, you should have at least sorted out the rabbit accomodation issue at least before you bred them and made the situation more difficult to change/deal with.

e. Anyhoo, as long as you realise the above points and take them into thought, then this is the point where you should change this part of your rabbit keeping.
Rabbits really do need a lot bigger cages as their permanent accomodation. Your idea of giving them a "play pen" sounds good, but doesn't adress their lack of hutch/cage space problem.
My advice would be to either build your own cages/hutches, which would not be difficult or expensive to do, or but some brand new cages, or look for second hand ones.
There are LOADS of large and cheap pens, hutches and cages available on ebay, for example;



To name a few, every week their are hundreds of auctions like this online...

You cannot deny that your rabbits would appreiciate large cages/hutches, yes?

If you sort out this rabbit housing issue, you will become a good and respected rabbit keeper here, and your rabbits will benefet massively for it too- this is the only thing people are not happy at with you, and should not be that difficult to sort it out. So take action now :nod: !
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Tokis-I completely agree with everything you have said and I really like how you approached the situation with maturity rather than shouting and name calling.
"No matter how you look at it, whoever you are whether you are very knowledgable on keeping rabbits or not, if you have any sense it does not take much imagination to look at those cages and realise they are far too small to be keeping rabbits in as their permanent accomodation. For a start, in the first place who on earth advised you that these cages were adequate for keeping rabbits in? "
^^^My thoughts exactly, I dont keep rabbits (but I do work with them) and the second I saw those pics I knew there would be many unhappy responses.
-FBT girl, I think tokis has given great advice, I dont think you are an awful person but even I knew by looking at those pics that their housing was innapropriate. Your rabbits are gourgeous and I am sure they will appreciate their new home :good:

I want to stay netural on the subject as I can see what you are all saying.

I had a rabbit that lived in my house and he got free run of the house all day everyday and went outside. He was also incredibly spoilt and only lived for about 3 years where as his mum in a hutch in the garden lived for about7!
thats not proof of anything, just one rabbit dieing before another.
the one in the house probally had more dangerour things around, like wrong foods and dirt. or even a illness inside you cant see.
what im saying is a bigger hutch is better then those small cages.
Yeah? And like I said in my post, the indoor rabbit was spoilt to death. He knew exactly where the chocolate cupboard was and how to get it. He also slept on the bed instead of hay.
I'm not dissagreeing with the cages could be bigger. But just because I may live in a 1 bed terrace in the city and you might live in a mansion in the country doesn't mean that you are going to be any happier or better looked after than me.
the indoor rabbit was spoilt to death. He knew exactly where the chocolate cupboard was and how to get it. He also slept on the bed instead of hay.

not meaning to start, or continue any fights but that is probably exactly what happened. chocolate is bad for dogs, and my guess would be it's not much better for rabbits. If the rabbit had run of the house it's possible he got into some food, medications, or chemicals that were bad for him. or he could have eaten something that caused a blockage. Meanwhile the rabbit in the hutch would have much less opportunity to get into dangerous things because they were less likely to gain access to its home.
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