

Feb 2, 2003
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Northern Va. USA
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Well my daughter is very upset. Her beloved Nascar has passed away.
He was doing well then just passed without any warning.

She ( 8 years old) has had nas about a year & 1/2

He was the first fish that we had ever owned and started the the whole fishkeeping experience at our house. He will be missed greatly :sad:
Thanks all. Michaela has a new best friend though she's still pretty depressed. I took her to get a new friend and she spent about 20 minutes going over each red betta in the store. She didn't want any other color but red 'cause he will look kinda like my nascar. She has dubbed him sir Fireball, he is housed in nascar's apartment with a new turtle decoration ( his furniture lol) Gotta love 8 year old logic
sorry mollymomma, make sure your kiddo knows that he was just old & lived the happiest year & a half of his life with you guys :wub:
Sorry for you loss. :( When I lost Bucky, I actually gave him a funeral. He was with me for over two years, I feel he derserve it.

I'm glad you went out to save another beta who need a home. :D I hope he brings you much happiness!
Thanks again everyone. Fireball & kiddo are doing good.

Wuv your right I had to tell her that nas was an old guy and he was lucky to spend his declining time with a special little girl who loved him so that made him a happy fish
I'm sorry :( I had really bad luck with bettas when I first started. I didn't cycle my fish bowl. So I went through 2 bettas (Dasher and Buddy) in 3 weeks. Then my 3rd betta (Sails) lived 1 year and 1/2. My 4th betta(Bubbles) ived a month because he hit his head on a rock. The betta I have know is living in my 3 weeks old fish tank. He is doing exellent. Maybe you could get a 5-gallon or so tank for your daughter then Fireball can live in it and you can have other fish too. You might not want a tank though, they are hard work in bedrooms. And your daughter might get electricuted if she accidently does something with the water and electricity. Well, I think maybe you should just stick with the betta. Then you don't have to go through more fish dying than just one. Well, good luck with Fireball.
Fireball's tank sits next to Bob's (other daughter's betta) no fish in the bedroom except my old 10 gal. that now holds 3rd daughter's tetra's. She's 11 and knows not to mess with it lol actually she would rather I do ALL the work but she's quick to tell anyone they are HER fish lol. I have my betta Flame in my 55gal. community and he is doing well.

Thanks for the well wishes,
Take care of the fishes :p

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