Quick heater question


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I got a 120 V heater in with my new tank but if the suction cups give the hwole heater will go in the water. Will this be bad? Can the cord of the heater go in the water? Or should I get a new heater?
does it say it is submersible(sp?) i have one that is partially submersible and you can't get the very top wet, and one that has the water line up on the cord.
Yeah it says submersible. Im afraid if the cord goes in the water... bye bye fish.
OK thanks. I knew that but my father wanted to know for sure. thank you. He will be glad to know I wont be electrocuted.
I have two that are completely submerged with one having at least 8 inches of cord underwater. Any time a heater says submersible, it means it is up to the opposite end of the cord (where it plugs into the wall) though obviously you're not going to have that much of a heater under water.
I plugged my hagen tronic in yesterday whilst fully submerged in my temporary tank - doesnt work :blink: had to use another one. There shouldnt be a problem with submersing heaters, i think they might be slightly less effective but its worth it if it means saving money on a new one.

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