

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
i have a spare plastic Kritter keeper 6gal i am thinking about buying a heater and fixing it up
(used to house an old ill goldfish which hass since been rehomed to a nice big pond)
what do you think of my plans
clean it out and get a heater then cycle!
plant it up and put in slate and gravel
get a new betta and mabe some cories OR white clouds OR adfs and a snail(which ones please or something else?)
what do you think?
After seeing these beautiful bettas and reading a bit of the postings, after more research, I think I'd like one to start. Sooooo....assuming that would be an appropriate set up for the betta....I vote for the betta!
has anyone got any pics that i can base my tank around?
what fish would be best with the betta or just a snail?
Really depends on the personality of the Betta. Some of them will nip at ANYTHING.

Only a few of my boys will nip at my ADFs, most of them won't. And the White Clouds, if they aren't bite-size, have largely been ignored in my experience. Or I find the Betta following them around, like he's trying to figure out what exactly this thing in his tank is, and THEN he leaves them alone.

One prohibition with tank mates, however, is temperature. How warm are you planning to heat this tank? White Clouds shouldn't be kept at a temp warmer than 75, and I think that ADFs shouldn't be kept any warmer than 80, though I don't know on that one for sure. Maybe check the "Invertebrates and Amphibians" forum for a specific temp for them.

That doesn't mean you can't house the fish or frogs together. It just means you need to be careful about your temperatures if you do decide to house them together.

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