I have a group of swordtails in a tank at the moment 1 male and 5 females in a 35 gallon tank. One of my neon swords is possibly gravid at this point and I have a question regarding water temperatures. Does anybody have any information in regards to the best water temperatures to keep the tank during her and any other female sword's gestation period? I like to let my tanks cool off slightly during the winter months to simulate a typical seasonal change as my house temperature changes naturally anyway thus so does the room temperature water. The water temperature is currently at about 66 degrees Fahrenheit and I do have a water heater setup in the tank. Any suggestions for the ideal temperature.
Side bar question would I be pushing it to add another male to the tank? (I'm not all the enthused that my current male is a solar flare twin bar)
Side bar question would I be pushing it to add another male to the tank? (I'm not all the enthused that my current male is a solar flare twin bar)