Question regarding Swordtails.


New Member
Oct 26, 2018
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I have a group of swordtails in a tank at the moment 1 male and 5 females in a 35 gallon tank. One of my neon swords is possibly gravid at this point and I have a question regarding water temperatures. Does anybody have any information in regards to the best water temperatures to keep the tank during her and any other female sword's gestation period? I like to let my tanks cool off slightly during the winter months to simulate a typical seasonal change as my house temperature changes naturally anyway thus so does the room temperature water. The water temperature is currently at about 66 degrees Fahrenheit and I do have a water heater setup in the tank. Any suggestions for the ideal temperature.

Side bar question would I be pushing it to add another male to the tank? (I'm not all the enthused that my current male is a solar flare twin bar)
I believe that temperature will be fine for them.

Regarding adding a second male... the general rule is 2-3 females for every male. So, that ratio still works... though being the lone male in the tank, introducing a new male...might be a bit dodgy. If the new male is significantly smaller than the existing one, it could end badly... especially if there isn't sufficient hiding spots, cover, etc.
I'm considering changing my substrate eventually to help plant growth. I've got some live plants that create some form of a weed edge in my tank so there is cover. The plants hold closer to the ground as opposed longer uprooting plants. Generally I imagine females carrying fry prefer taller plants and or floating plants so the fry may end up being "gravel fry" as opposed to "surface fry".
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