The optimal place for fish is in their natural environment,
Is it really?I can offer an enviroment free from predation,pollution,drought.I can treat infections,give them a fantastic choice of foods. All in all, by comparison,a great place to live out their lives.To be even considered a
natural enviroment it must be free from our inteference.By your own admission they are polluted, add to this the construction of dams and introduced species etc.Do you consider that a
natural enviroment?The enviroments for which fish live are ,at least in part,dictated by us.As I have direct influence over the enviroment I provide for my fish,as my experience and understanding grows, I am confident that at some point it will be optimal.
By your reasoning, I must say. I'm going to release my fish back into their natural habitat. That would be providing the most optimal environment for them right? You may want to do the same, as you are so keen on them having the best. You are kind of being a hypocrite.
Hypcorite?No.My reasoning?See above.
As far as waterchanges, yes they do dilute pathogens, but they don't kill them.
By replacing water, containing pathogens, with water that doesn't,along with other routine maintenace, you are reducing the level present in your system.It's not necessary to kill them.You are
removing them.Unless you mean to kill them all?You wouldn't be able to achieve this without damaging or destroying other favourable organisms present in your system.And even if you could,I doubt you would want to.As your fish are exposed to pathogens ,their immune system,like are own,learn to fight them and become more resistant to them.With their population in check they could even be considered beneficial.