Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

:wub: my python.. If you have multiple tanks it is such a time saver! I dreaded water changes on my 2 tanks before I got the python. Afterwards water changes are a breeze.
I hook it up, vac, dump in the aquasafe & refill.
The only problem I have ever had is if you don't get the threads just right on the faucet it will spray water around the sink area. This could just be my faucet(older)and since the water is going down the sink you don't have a bucket of it to rinse off the filter media. (solution..set small bucket or bowl into the sink under the valve so you have old tank water to rinse filter/decorations)

I will NEVER use the bucket method again.
I have had my python for about 6 months, and believe it to be one of the most important purchases I've made since starting the hobby. I add my dechlor either before or during refilling the tank and have had no problems. Yes, it does waste water, but I hook mine up to the hose outside, and the water drained goes in my flower bed. I'm pretty lucky though, I still have my windows open 8) . I would think though that people who live further up north would really benefit from the python especially in the winter time when hauling buckets outside isn't too pleasant.
laughncat-go to da chat rooms now! thats an order!

Heh, sorry. I didn't see your post till today, Eelzor. I logged off the internet after that last post and started tying up some loose ends before I left for home. Besides, it wouldn't do for my boss to catch me not looking busy...even if there really is nothing to do on nights :p They'd just assign me busy work. Boo! :no: Less work, higher pay! That's my mantra :nod: Besides with the watchdog software they've got on my work computers, I probably wouldn't be able to log into the chat room anyway :X

Well, anyway, The python is looking more and more attractive to me. It's good to know that I can add the dechlorinator to the water as I refill. This item could make things SO much easier and help me keep up with my tanks as I have now lost some more of my free time due to getting a second job. Me thinks I'll add it to a wish list... :nod:

Oh yeah, Thanks for all the input everybody. It's been a HUGE help! :thumbs:
Laughncat said:
laughncat-go to da chat rooms now! thats an order!

Heh, sorry. I didn't see your post till today, Eelzor. I logged off the internet after that last post and started tying up some loose ends before I left for home. Besides, it wouldn't do for my boss to catch me not looking busy...even if there really is nothing to do on nights :p They'd just assign me busy work. Boo! :no: Less work, higher pay! That's my mantra :nod: Besides with the watchdog software they've got on my work computers, I probably wouldn't be able to log into the chat room anyway :X
That's ok ;) :D Didn't know so it's clear now. :D :D :D
You don't sleep, do you Eelzor? ;) I mean I have an excuse for being up at ungodly hours fo the morning...but what about you? Or do ya live in a time zone that's several hours ahead of mine... :unsure:

P.S. did you ever hear anything about condensing this post so it could be pinned at the top? Could a moderator add input to this question? I think the Sand/gravel question pops up quite a bit...
Another thing is how do you get the water up to the correct temperature? ;)
I LOVE my python!! it's a wonderful tool especially since I am recovering from a herniated disc. there's no back strain to waiting for hubby to haul off the water as I fill a bucket.... I just love it!! I also do the finger test when adding the water back into the tank and add the dechlor as I refill the water! The fish are fine and even better yet no lower back pain for me ;)
Zaphan58 said:
Another thing is how do you get the water up to the correct temperature? ;)
You use the hot and cold water both to get it up to the correct temperature. If you meant how do we know when it is the correct temp, you can do like thecichldaddict and blueangel mentioned, go by feel which you will soon learn to jusge easily or get your aquarium thermometer and check it thru the outlet in the python.

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