Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
Hi all,

I was reading about this item on called the Pythin no spill clean and fill. It basically just hooks up to your faucet and it cleans and refills your tank all in one go. I knwo there's got to be at least a few people in this forum who use them and Iw as wondering wanting to get soem feedback. Is this item a worthwhile invesment? Does it really simply the pain in the neck process of bucket hauling? Do they have filters to remove chlorine and chloramine? Any info would be great. Thanks!
I can't begin to tell you how great of an investment it will be. It will cut down on the carrying pails, the mess and also the time. The best investment I have ever made in this hobby.
I have a RV grade potable water hose I use when I need a large fill. I still like to siphon my water out and vacuum my tank at that time. I had a python and didn't really care for it. But everyone is different. It did work well.
How do you dechlorinate with that thing then??

Yes. could anyone please explain how it removes the chlorine and chloramine? It's useless to me if it doesn't do this since I have high levels of both in my local water. :X
I'll give it a shot.

Chorine is a very unstable chemical. With simple water disturbance the chlorine evaporates. By the time it is run to your home, through the pipes, and finally through the python the chlorine will have probably evaporated already. As a precaution you should always add a dechlorinator before refilling the tank.

As for Chloromine, that's different. You need to buy the right dechloraminator. Chloromine is chlorine bound to ammonia, so you need one that deals with the ammonia too. I'd test for choromine during every water change as well. You don't want to overdose the the tank with the stuff, but you want to make sure you got it all.

These additives are instantaneous, working as soon as they come into contact with either chemical. By adding it before refilling the tank you will have no problems.
Does anyone use Python up 1 floor? Basically, my tap is on the 1st floor and some of the tanks are at the basement. Just to make things worse, the tanks are located about 50ft away from the tank... (Guess I didn't think about that when I setup all the tanks! -_- )

If Python doesn't work, I'll probably invest into a nice large plastic garbage bin and fill it up once a month for new water storage and continue to carry up a bucket of water every two days (so far, manageable).
I like having the syphoned out water from my aquarium in a bucket cause i can use it on the garden. It's got loads of goodies in it which the plants love. Seems a waste to let it disappear down the sink.
Lithril: I have a python and from everything I read about filling with a hose, etc, the recommended method seems to be to just add the dechlorinator as you are adding the water. I have chloramine in my water and I've had no problems with this method. Before starting to fill, I make sure the water coming out of the end of the hose is the right temp. I then close the valve on the fill end to stop the flow, take it to the tank and then open the flow. At that point, I add the recommended amount of dechlorinator directly into the tank where the water is entering.

On another note, I like the python for adding water and I like the long hose because my tank is about 20 feet from nearest water source. I have a 55 gal tank and can't even imagine trying to do a 25 or 50 percent water change on it with a bucket!?!?! However, I do only use the python to get a syphon started and then I remove the hose from the sink attachment and just use normal syphoning to drain water. Don't see any point in having water running constantly to pull the water out when syphoning works just as well. However, if your drain is higher than your tank, this might be beneficial... not sure how high of a difference it will allow you to pull though.

Hope this info helps.
So adding water to your tank that has not bee declorinated is okay if you dump declorinater in at the same time or just before? I don't know, it seems a bit like a recipe for disaster... :unsure:

But then what do I know, I'm a newbie still :p
I suppose it sounds like quite a good idea. But without money don't even think about it. I am doing well with my bucket water changing so I see no reason to stop. however this new method would be great if I had the money!

laughncat-go to da chat rooms now! thats an order! :fun:
I have a python with a 75 foot hose. I use it when I vac my tanks and run the hose out a window on my second floor or out the sliding glass door on my first floor. It runs right into the flower gardens. I was unable to attach it to my faucet. I need to get a plumber here to figure out what I need to make it work. It will be much easier when that is accomplished. I have attached mine to a suction vac that I had and added and extender tube. Works great to vac and not haul that mess around the house. Well worth the investment and I still don't use it to its fullest potential.
So adding water to your tank that has not bee declorinated is okay if you dump declorinater in at the same time or just before? I don't know, it seems a bit like a recipe for disaster..

Yes, you can stand there pooring it in while it refills, or you can do it the easy way and add it before. The active components of the dechlorinator work as soon as it comes itno contact with the chlorine/chloromine. On the other hand chlorine does not have such an immediate effect on the fish, it take a bit of time for the fish to sufficate from chlornine poisoning.

There is no risk.
I have the python system. I love it. It is also the best fish accessory I ever purchased. I also add the dechlorintator directly into the water as it is going into the tank. I've never had a problem. It is so easy to use and there is absolutely no mess. Here is a link to where I got mine with some more info.

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