Pygmy Cory Fry - Now Picturable!

Quick update of fry (with non bad belly) really looking like an ickle fishy now :wub:
Touch wood,i haven't lost any today so far...(fingers crossed),i took inchworm's advice and turned the tank temp down,its on 23 degrees at the moment...

Thanks :) Thats my cutie snowy...bless him :wub:
Aw that is brill news Harlequins. Managed to net the two pygmy fry this morning for water change and they do from certain angles look like mini cories :wub: so pleased with them, they have grown enough for me to add the original net the breeder trap came with, so better water flow
Awwww one of the sproglets died. Unsure if this is just natural or the fact that I changed the netting, the tights didnt allow food to escape whereas the new netting does so unsure if getting enough to eat...

EDIT: Is it also time for the fry to join its parents, I know I need to learn from experience but kinda protective over this little guys as he is perfect mini replica now :wub: Believe he was born on or around the 22 NOvember (think he was the last survivor of the massive batch). So looking roughly around 5-6 weeks. The main tank has 6 adult cories, 5 assassin snails, there are two moss balls on the floor of the tank? I know there is no guaranteed safety but recommendations?

Thanks so much for all the guidance and patience, I know I can be wearing xx
sorry to hear one died...:rip:

good luck with the other one,hows them other 2 fry coming on?
The two unknown parent fry seem to be going good and strong, they are in a net (very large one, largest I could buy!) in the tank. One of those two is growing much more readily than the other, very noticeably, but touchwood, so far all so good :good:

The one that died didnt seem as much developed even though they were roughly the same size. Dubert (remaining fry) does look a mini cory now though has gorgeous reflective colouration and doesnt quite look like the parents yet, whereas the fry that died just looked like a large growing fry in comparison.

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