Pygmy Cory Fry - Now Picturable!

i didnt know adult cories ate their own young !
Most fish will eat any other fish that they can fit in their mouth. Many people believe that Corys do not eat their young. They do - voraciously. Obviously, the more nooks and crannies available to them, the better the chance of the fry surviving to a size where they are safe from predation. - Frank

Haych, 3 week old fry will eat newly hatched fry if it fits their mouth its food.
I do have spare tank, filter,pump and heater already but was worried as teh other fry didnt do well in there and unsure of the circumstances of the other frys death. I will consider this for the mo, I do happen to have a 5g section on a four divded tank empty also but unsure if they would get through the dividers :unsure: Certainly learning!

Edit p.s. found two corie eggs in the large tank tonight that are either caudis or gold lasers (just a heads up ;))

p.p.s. microworm culture coming along a treat!
Aww amy,sorry to hear you bad news,they were doing so well.

Now i'm concerned over my small fry has i have 2 larger fry in there :unsure:

Fab news on finding new eggs in your main tank good luck with them :)
I do have spare tank, filter,pump and heater already but was worried as teh other fry didnt do well in there and unsure of the circumstances of the other frys death. I will consider this for the mo, I do happen to have a 5g section on a four divded tank empty also but unsure if they would get through the dividers :unsure: Certainly learning!

Edit p.s. found two corie eggs in the large tank tonight that are either caudis or gold lasers (just a heads up ;))

p.p.s. microworm culture coming along a treat!

Clean the old tank as best you can, this seems your best option. You don't need the filter to be matured as long as frequent water changes are stuck to, fry will find any opening in a divided tank even if you think they can't get through the little blighters will.

Edit: So you got the microworms going now, good to hear. Did my ranting help?
LOL! The ranting certainly did help Strontiumdog and made sense. :lol: Right that seems to be going on my to do list today then :good: Hmmm not sure what to suggest Harlequins is there much size difference between the generations?? :unsure:
i know the rule of thumb is, if it fits in their mouth its edible but i didnt knwo cories were in that space too.

learn summat new everyday lol
Just small update (next one hopefully when they start to look more like cories and not die further!) but found a fourth fry in the filter, he is a bit wobbly so we will see how he goes.

Pics of the survivors of the male eating rampage pygmy :lol:


Just been fed and due a clean, photos of them foraging. :wub:
Ok guys got a good culture of the microworms, how old do fry need to be before feeding to? Reason I ask is the cats got hold of the liquifry and punctured a hole in it, it know smells quite bad so dont want to poison anyone :crazy: I have first bites and mircoworms just try on both I guess? (The two fry newly hatched are MUCH bigger than pygmy cory fry thank goodness, I can actually see them).
i think microworms can be used from early stages,congrats on your other fry hatching out :good:
Wow there tiny and i couldnt see them at first. Keep up the good work wit them

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