Starting again
One thing I was going to ask you opinion on Strontiumdog was (was reading around during lunchbreak yesterday) one list suggested the use of dampened bread? I myself plan the oats but does that sound useful??
One thing I was going to ask you opinion on Strontiumdog was (was reading around during lunchbreak yesterday) one list suggested the use of dampened bread? I myself plan the oats but does that sound useful??
Hmmm a possibility and will scour the tank but the way the trap was pretty unlikely,
Most fish will eat any other fish that they can fit in their mouth. Many people believe that Corys do not eat their young. They do - voraciously. Obviously, the more nooks and crannies available to them, the better the chance of the fry surviving to a size where they are safe from predation. - Franki didnt know adult cories ate their own young !