Pygmy Cory Fry - Now Picturable!

One thing I was going to ask you opinion on Strontiumdog was (was reading around during lunchbreak yesterday) one list suggested the use of dampened bread? I myself plan the oats but does that sound useful??
One thing I was going to ask you opinion on Strontiumdog was (was reading around during lunchbreak yesterday) one list suggested the use of dampened bread? I myself plan the oats but does that sound useful??

I've just googled it, looks like a few people use this method. I may try a batch see how they turn out, if it does it would work out a lot cheaper using bread :nod:
:good: Thanks again Strontiumdog! Got me oats etc today with the container and just awaiting the batch to turn up, may try some dampened mixed bread myself on another batch
Lost a couple more over the last couple of days (the smallest ones :sad: ) Have around 10 left, growing quitttte large, hooray for micro worms, my culture turned up today and so hope to feed them better and faster! xx
How are you billions of sproglets and egglets Harlequins :lol:
Ahh sorry to hear you lost some :rip:,so have i in the past week about 3 i think :sad:

I think rough guest there's around 45 in the tank at the moment,12 eggs due to hatch tomorrow and 3 eggs saved last night :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm a bit concerned that 3 of the larger ones may stampede the smallest ones now,they're quite active.

I am swaying to try microworms,how do you grow yours? xx
:blink: Perhaps that is what happened to mine? The larger ones are pretty active.. :look:

I only got and setup yesterday but have a clear see-through tub with holes in the lid. Have a good layer of oatmealie stuff and then added the concotion as a top layer received in the post. Instructions came with it and apparently should see in 3-5 days little wormlets crawling. In the instructions I had it did say to add a layer of yest between oatmeal and concotion but others on here havent (Strontiumdog has helped me immensely with this!)The microworms were £1.98 off ebay so giving a go :good: Let you know if successful :lol:

Sorry to hear about your losses :sad: Hope all the other 45+ make it (what are you going to do with them all :lol: )
:-( NO!!! Came home and a adult pygmy had jumped the breeder trap somehow and eaten most of the babies! Have 3 large ones left...oh man.... also now a major snail outbreak and the pygmies have decided to stop breeding. Worst luck ever, hope my remaining three survive.. :grr:
Well I am assuming, as there were about 8-10 in total varying sizes and now just the 3... Unsure how else they couldve disappeared since this morning..
Hmmm a possibility and will scour the tank but the way the trap was pretty unlikely, :crazy:

OOOhhh dear, they have been eaten. Sorry to have to state that, but don't worry too much. I had a similar expierance when mine breed and first hatched, an apple snail got in and either tipped the container so they could get out, or ate them. Learn from the experience, maybe the net should have been higher up and the tank water dropped a few cm's.

It may be worth getting a small tank as a hatchery. I know its going to be extra money, but the most expensive thing will be the heater.
My set up broken down cost: plastic tank 11ltr from wilkinsons £5.49, 25w heater about £15, sponge filter about £4, air pump wilkinsons £5.99, total £30.48. I know it may seem a high price to pay, but to know your loved ones are safe is priceless.
i didnt know adult cories ate their own young !
Most fish will eat any other fish that they can fit in their mouth. Many people believe that Corys do not eat their young. They do - voraciously. Obviously, the more nooks and crannies available to them, the better the chance of the fry surviving to a size where they are safe from predation. - Frank

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