Pygmy Cory Fry - Now Picturable!


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
They are around 2-3 weeks old now (depending on the hatchee). Here is a overall tank shot that has all the 6 adults and stretched a stocking over the breeder trap as the netting on there was too large holed (tested with two and both escaped in 10 seconds flat :lol: ). So we have this installed and they seem to be enjoying the new space. Also have included pics of the fry that my camera now register! :good:





Have introduced them to the bloodworm powder (thanks for that tip Harlequins!) and plan over the weekend to grind some bloodworm/brineshrimp frozen to try and introduce, also going to try it on the adults as they do not seem to like any whole ones I introduce :rolleyes:
ah bless! :)
They look lovely Amy, TBH they look like My baby Red Cherry Shrimp :lol:

Congrats, and GoodLuck!

Edit: Thats a nice tank btw, nice plant scaping :good:
Well done, try getting hold of a micro worm culture.

You can get some from e-bay £1.98 delivered, and there easy to set up and keep.
Thanks very much guys! Has anyone tips on a culture for me, tried once before with some ready brek but nothing happened, was advised to try further scrappings but no luck! I do know they would probably grow better with live foods..(any tips very welcome - p.s. no ready brek left!) :fun:
OMG! 2-3 week old still very tiny! Lovely! :good: I will try it someday.
I hope your looking to get a culture of micro worms, and good luck.

If you have problems getting hold of some let me know, I'll send some FOC.
hi strontium dog

How easy is it to culture microworms and does it make a difference to growing fry?

Sorry amy,i'm hyjacking your thread :blush: :)
Hey guys. Dont worry Harlequins (you know i do not mind ;)) All the sources I have been reading suggest live foods boost them much more. Thanks for the help Strotiumdog, ordered some off Ebay today and hope to get a culture or two going soon - will ensure to keep them alive (and will not try to drown them this time :lol: ). Harlequins, I tried once before but the instructions given were wrong and ended up having water above the culture essentially drowning all! Basically you have the mixture, yeast and readybrek mix and that is pretty much it! In small containers with lid but air holes and from what I gather as the mixture starts to get old move some of the worms to a new mixed readybrek and away they go (at least that is my basic understanding :good: )
hi strontium dog

How easy is it to culture microworms and does it make a difference to growing fry?

Sorry amy,i'm hyjacking your thread :blush: :)

Its as easy to culture microworms as it is to collect your cory eggs, if not easier.

Hey guys. Dont worry Harlequins (you know i do not mind ;)) All the sources I have been reading suggest live foods boost them much more. Thanks for the help Strotiumdog, ordered some off Ebay today and hope to get a culture or two going soon - will ensure to keep them alive (and will not try to drown them this time :lol: ). Harlequins, I tried once before but the instructions given were wrong and ended up having water above the culture essentially drowning all! Basically you have the mixture, yeast and readybrek mix and that is pretty much it! In small containers with lid but air holes and from what I gather as the mixture starts to get old move some of the worms to a new mixed readybrek and away they go (at least that is my basic understanding :good: )

I myself have never done the yeast bit, cause what i've read it only causes more co2, which it will produce anyway. I may try that on a batch and let you know if any difference.

Basically its that simple lilacamy931, and i'm only one step ahead of you. Just gotta remember to start another cultrue befaore the old one dies and your :lol:

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