Starting again
They are around 2-3 weeks old now (depending on the hatchee). Here is a overall tank shot that has all the 6 adults and stretched a stocking over the breeder trap as the netting on there was too large holed (tested with two and both escaped in 10 seconds flat
). So we have this installed and they seem to be enjoying the new space. Also have included pics of the fry that my camera now register!
Have introduced them to the bloodworm powder (thanks for that tip Harlequins!) and plan over the weekend to grind some bloodworm/brineshrimp frozen to try and introduce, also going to try it on the adults as they do not seem to like any whole ones I introduce

Have introduced them to the bloodworm powder (thanks for that tip Harlequins!) and plan over the weekend to grind some bloodworm/brineshrimp frozen to try and introduce, also going to try it on the adults as they do not seem to like any whole ones I introduce