Putting Plants In

The plants happen to like ammonia

so does light, and it then produces loads of algae, so just be careful how you go about it in an uncycled tank. Many peoples idea of a planted tank isn't the same as what others did/do when doing a silent cycle.
After considering what people have said, we bought plants and put them in today. They look lovely - I hope they stay that way! We also have one false plant still in there and other false plants as understudies if the real ones don't thrive.
Maybe keep a shorter lighting period while cycling too. That what I am doing now.
Bugdozer, plants are fine at any time. If you choose to add plants, be sure to let us know that you have done so. It is not a particular problem for a cycle but it will help us interpret your chemical responses if we know that you have growing plants. Since plants take up nitrogen, we must take that into account if you choose to add plants before you are done cycling. There is no down side to adding plants that I can see but we simply need to know about them to give you good advice.

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