Proud New Owner


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2008
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My 35L (UK) tank finished cycling yesterday, did a 80% water change this morning and the new fish are currently floating in their bag to get accustomed to the change in water temp before I set them free in their new home (current water temp is about 78F).

I've got a few silk plants in the tank with quite a bit of the foliage floating on the surface, a live rock substrate with some small, smooth pebbles scattered across the surface and a terracotta flower pot resting on it's side so they've got somewhere to hide if they need it.

Anything else I should be doing for them or that they need?

I'm sorry to be a pain with all these questions I keep asking on different forums, it's just that I really don't want to mess this up.

Oh, the tank is just going to be a species tank, I'm not putting anything else in there.
sounds good to me, only thing id say, if u did want something, i LOVE putting african dwarf frogs (get 1 inch) in with the minnows, just adds a slight extra look right.. think bout it anyways, and post pics:p:)


What do you mean by live rock substrate? I know this is used in marine aquariums, but freshwater? What sort of live rock is it?
lol i wass guessing they meant a type of crushed coral you can get or something along them lines (idk if thats really alive or not), i have it myself, it is meant for tropical.. but i suppose we should make sure thats what she has:p

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