Progress Of My Common Pleco Growing

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A bit of an update on the growth rate.
This one is from end of November 2012

And these are very recent. The first two are from 7th April 2013 and the third one from 25th march 2013



Looking at his belly pictures now that he's bigger, I was probably all wrong and he is a Pterygoplichthys pardalis.  Not that it matters much anyway but planetcatfish lists these as max 14" fully grown.
I just found this thread :)  He's quite handsome, I love his tail, and his round belly too hehe.
Love the baby platy in the last pic, awesome! :good:
Oh, and I'm pretty sure you make these vids just to show off your anubias :shifty:
I am glad I made some videos to show off
 , because I destroyed the center anubias by spot dosing with liquid carbon to clean up BBA that I got infested with. The anubias went pink and melted so now it's chopped down to nothing :) It took over one year to grow these two because for the most part the tank was not dosed with anything, so it took a while... Once I started dosing the tank with liquid carbon and ferts last year, it suffered a green spot algae infestation and then black beard algae...
 And in my smart attempts to clean up the mess, I almost killed it

The pleco is quite ugly because he's a common but he's got a nice big tail for a common pleco, so not the worst. And he's my water puppy, a friendly chap that begs for cucumbers and melon
 He lets me "pet" him but he's got a rough fur
Ohh no!!! Im so sorry to hear about your anubias :rip:  That's such a shame! I just dose seachem flourish and I'm actually surprised at the growth rate of my anubias, nothing crazy of course but they're continually sprouting new leaves all the time. By far one of my fav plants...
I would say he's much more handsome than most of the commons I've seen, when I first saw the pics I didn't realize he was a common. His coloring is beautiful, must be all the cucumbers :)  Hey, my boring ole green cories are my favorite little fish in the world so to each their own right ? ;)
I was trying to find this thread to update it the other day, so thanks for bumping in up.
I measured the pleco and he's now 22cm(8.7"). That's over an inch growth since last time I measured him.
And him thinking he's hidden:
He's lovely :)
I have a really soft spot for commons, I think they're fantastic fish, if you have the room for them.
They just have bad reputation, not sure why. His personality is 100 times better than that of my bristlenose. He's so gentle and has become so friendly, never any bother with him in the tank, with the plants or even the small fry. You'll be amazed how careful he actually is with the plants and how flexible he is swimming in between them. I've never had an injured fish or him causing harm even by accident.
Look at what my bristlenose has been up to below. Glad the tank isn't planted anymore. He's dug up everything, big pits of sand and soil everywhere. He's now punished on his own in there and I am dreading it moving him to a planted tank. He also lay on top of one cory and drove it crazy as he just would refuse to move.
My bn is a little robust at times too. When it's pellet time, he collects about 4-5 pellets and moves them all into a pile and lays on them... like a dragon guarding his hoard lol. He's started to flash his gill spikes at my loaches if they come near his cucumber dinners too :rolleyes: .  I actually don't mind big plecos at all. I really loved the sail fin that I had, but obviously even my 4 ft is too small for him so he was re-homed. BUT, it always bothers me to think about if something happened and he died, I would honestly be a little creeped out pulling a humongous fish out of the tank lol. I know that sounds horrible :blush:
It's pretty easy to see whether a big pleco is dead or not :)
Mine as well can outlive me if given the chance as they are long lived.
Wow!!!! I didn't know they could live that long, that's pretty cool. Now that you mention it, my grandmother had a fish tank for the longest time, and i remember there always being a humongous pleco in it lol.
Just a quick update and a picture will follow tomorrow or so. The pleco is now 25.5cm(10"). That's about 3 inches growth for 1 year.
Impressive growth, and people wonder why we tell them not to put them in 10 gallon tanks for life.

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