Fish Fanatic
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just put a lot of live plants in there, don't overfeed and at each weekly water change give it a really thorough gravel vac all of which will help.
That's not going to change the fact that he's potentially drinking water with 120ppm or more of nitrate in it!
I think he is getting a false reading somehow. I cant see the water board who must have highly advanced and accurate testing equipment letting it get to dangerous levels - people would be suing left right and centre!
United Ulitities are not best known for their diligent water quality testing, with the last MAJOR situation involving supplying Cryptosporidium to thousands of household taps! And as I said, I live in a rural area, and as has been pointed out, it's not impossible for their to be a contaminent between my tap and Hayeswater which is the source and the point at which United Utilities test the water. It's only us fishy types that would likely even become aware of an imbalance in the water as we're probably the only people testing on a regular basis at the end-point as opposed to original source.
The LOT numbers on the Nitrate test bottles ( likely production dates ) are
Nitrate bottle 1 = 17A0811
Nitrate bottle 2 = 18B1011
and CezzaXV's last point is kind of where I'm heading with this, but I didn't want to start crying wolf to United Utilities, if ther really is no problem at all. I CAN have a lab test th ewater, but hey ho what do you know.. the LAB owners are United Utilities! ( what are the chances of a genuine result emerging should it be that my sample breaks the UK laws regarding Nitrate levels for drinking water supplied to the public? , would they really shoot themselves in the foot and open themselves up to thousands of pounds of legal fines by the government bodies? )
Not knowing where to turn or who to trust...
In the words of Shirley Manson
" I think I'm Paranoid! "