Pregnant Molly Still....

Ya, for sure I'm gonna do a natural birth :)
It'll be better for her :) eh?
I wonder when she'll have em though, she's HUGE eh?
well this illustrates she isn't as close as we think she is. A female who is about to give birth will chase any other fish that comes near her.

This isn't entirely true, females will sometimes act aggressive towards the other fish in the tank but more often than not the other fish will be harassing the female relentlessly to try to get to those yummy little morsels.
Woah! She's huge! Do you have a tank seperator? You could split the tank in half for a while for the mom so she can swim in her own half for a while.
Nope, :( I don't have one, all I have a the breeding net or the box :(
Do you want her to have them naturally or in the trap?
I'd like to do what's best for her, I mean, I want to keep at least 4-5 babies, but can I still do that if she's doing it naturally without the trap?
I have some plants and hiding spots, but not like a huge amount..
Sims, I forget what you have for a tank set up but if you only have mollies, the fry will be safer than you might imagine in the tank with the adults. Mollies are not very persistent predators. They are calm enough that I leave the female with the fry and don't really worry about them if I have any cover to speak of in the birthing tank. I often end up with over 30 survivors with only a single female molly as the tank's predator. It ends up looking like this in short order.


If you have tetras and such with the mollies, that is an entirely different situation calling for much better cover to have even 4 or 5 survive.
No, I have all sorts of fish in there, guppies, mollies, rasboras, platys, swordtails, angelfish (I think) algae eater and a couple others I beleive,
I would like to keep about 2-3 in each tank, my dad wants some in his tank too, So I dunno what to do. :blink:
Well, I can kind of assure that you will have 4-5 if you let her give birth naturally. The fry can most likely hde good enough for you to find them. I usually keep the mother in the tank, wait until I see babies, and then when I see the babies I scoop as many as I can find. Then I trap those.
No problem. Glad I could help. YOu could get a few more to live if you buy a few more plants and put them all in one corner. I did that also.
No problem. Glad I could help. YOu could get a few more to live if you buy a few more plants and put them all in one corner. I did that also.
Ya, I would but I've got no money right now, not till my ODSP check comes in at the end of the month (ontario disability support program)
I get paid too, but not alot maybe about ($80) but that has to go towards my phone bill and bowling for 2 weeks :(
I guess I'll just have to save as many as I can for now..

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