Yeah, a lot of fish rooms I see are all interconnected via drains and a sump therefore only requiring one big heater to suit their needs. Tolak pretty much hit the nail on the head, you need to make sure you have enough amperage service for the project. For example, using UK numbers, a 100watt heater draws about 0.5 amps (220V x 0.5A). Say you have 20 heaters, that's 10 amps (if they're all on at once). Then add some lighting, say 20 18watt T8s (about 20watts to run), thats another 400watts or 2 amps. Now you're up to 12 amps. Add air pumps and you're approaching probably 15-20 amps of service required. I have no idea what electrical service is common in the UK. In the States, all our breakers and fuses are labeled for the max current they're designed for. Might be worth having a poke around your fusebox/breakerbox.